Get the nth_element
of an array, i.e. the element that would be in the nth
position if the array
where sorted.
C++ has an implementation for
, which is linear on average
with respect to the length of the array (by using the introselect
algorithm). However, Python does not (statistics
package source code).
The reason Python never opted to implement any nth_element
function based on a variant of a
selection algorithm, is clearly explained by Raymond Hettinger
While variants of quick-select have a nice O(n) theoretical time, the variability is very-high and has really bad worst cases. The existing sort() is unbelievably fast, has a reasonable worst case, exploits existing order to great advantage, has nice cache performance, and has become faster still with the recently added type-specialized comparisons. This sets a very high bar for any proposed patches.
Nevertheless, having an implementation at hand seemed like a good idea to me. Depending on your
data, using a selection algorithm may very well outperform Python's native sort()
. Although the
cost of using sort()
is much lower, then inspecting your data to decide whether a selection
algorithm is faster on average.
As C++ opted for introselect, this package does as well.
Introselect was hinted at by David R. Musser in his introsort paper.
Introsort bypasses the find
introcuded by R. Hoare in this paper), by limiting
the stack depth (i.e. recursion depth) by
To improve the runtime of quickselect, Musser proposed introselect which uses the same tactic as
introsort, i.e. limiting the stack depth. The depth can be limited by a logarithmic bound giving a
worst case runtime of
There are published
An important part of a selection algorithms is its underlying partitioning scheme. There is
extensive literature on the comparison of these partitioning schemes, e.g. researching the actual
number of comparisons, however we won't go into them here. Partitioning schemes rely on different
techniques for their pivot selection as poor pivot selection leads to slow runtimes. For example, if
you coincidentally select the median to be the pivot element, then the number of recursive calls is
minimized whereas selecting the minimum would result in
When opting for a selection algorithm, you are met with the following choices:
How to select a pivot element for partitioning?
Which partitioning scheme performs best?
Which selection algorithm to use?
Of course the actual selection algorithm has already made the previous choices, but its good to know what the different components of a selection algorithm are.
Therefore, I opted to implemented multiple partitioning schemes and selection algorithms to make a quick comparison.
You can find the partitioning functions in
, selection algorithms
and comparison code in
import find
arr = [8, 5, 9, 1, 66, 7, 3]
find.introselect(arr, 0, len(arr)-1, 1)
# -> arr = [1, 3, 9, 8, 66, 7, 5]
assert arr[1] == sorted(arr)[1] == 3
As you can see, sort()
provides the most reliable runtime (in addition to subsequent calls for
different n
N sort Lomuto Intro Hoare3 Hoare
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
5000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001
50000 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002
100000 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.005
500000 0.039 0.033 *0.027 0.027 0.047
1000000 0.084 0.120 *0.056 0.074 0.077
2000000 0.187 0.263 *0.126 0.171 0.211
3000000 *0.292 0.420 0.301 0.436 0.331
4000000 *0.419 0.770 0.534 0.591 0.468
5000000 *0.524 1.154 0.558 0.550 0.578
6000000 *0.664 1.397 0.762 1.114 0.843
7000000 0.782 1.725 0.915 1.289 *0.693
8000000 0.925 0.995 *0.506 0.535 0.874
9000000 1.036 0.969 0.913 *0.732 1.140
10000000 1.171 1.412 0.823 0.606 *0.604
11000000 1.375 2.127 1.883 1.384 *0.932