- oc get nodes
- oc adm top node -l node-role.kubernetes.io/worker
- oc describe node ip-10-0-20-1-ap-southeast-1.computer.internel
- oc get pod -n openshift-image-registry
- oc logs --tail 3 -n openshift-iamge-registry cluster-image-registry-operator-xxxx-xxxx
- oc logs --tail 3 -n openshift-iamge-rgeistry -c cluster-image-registry-operator cluster-image-rgeistry-operator-xxxx-xxxx
- oc logs --tail 3 -n openshift-image-registry iamge-registry-xxx-yyyy
- oc adm node-logs --tail 3 -u kebelet ip-1.2.2..computer.internel
- oc debug node/ip-1.2.2..computer.internel
- oc status
- oc get events
This is the way most interactive OpenShift Container Platform users are represented. Regular users are created automatically in the system upon first login or can be created via the API. Regular users are represented with the User object. Examples: joe alice
Many of these are created automatically when the infrastructure is defined, mainly for the purpose of enabling the infrastructure to interact with the API securely. They include a cluster administrator (with access to everything), a per-node user, users for use by routers and registries, and various others. Finally, there is an anonymous system user that is used by default for unauthenticated requests. Examples: system:admin system:openshift-registry system:node:node1.example.com
These are special system users associated with projects; some are created automatically when the project is first created, while project administrators can create more for the purpose of defining access to the contents of each project. Service accounts are represented with the ServiceAccount object. Examples: system:serviceaccount:default:deployer system:serviceaccount:foo:builder
Automatically associated with all authenticated users.
Automatically associated with all users authenticated with an OAuth access token.
Automatically associated with all unauthenticated users.
- htpasswd -C -B -b ~/temp admin USER_PASSWD
- htpasswd -b ~/temp developer USER_PASSWD
- cat ~temp
- oc login -u kuberadmin -p KUBEADM_PASSWD MASTER_API
- oc create secret generic localusers --from-file htpasswd=~/temp -n openshift-config
- oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
- oc get -o yaml oauth cluster > ~/oauth.yaml
apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
kind: OAuth
...output omitted...
- htpasswd:
name: localusers
mappingMethod: claim
name: myusers
type: HTPasswd
oc replace -f ~/oauth.yaml
oc login -u admin -p USER_PASSWD
oc get nodes
oc login -u developer -p USER_PASSWD
oc get nodes
resource "nodes" in API group "" at the cluster scope
- oc login -u admin -p USER_P
- oc get users
- oc get identity
myusers:admin myusers admin admin ...
myusers:developer myusers developer developer ...
- oc extract secret/localusers -n openshift-config --to -
- htpasswd -b ~/temp manager USER_PASSWD
- cat ~/temp
- oc login -u manager -p USER_PASSWD
- oc new-project auth-provider
- oc login -u developer -p USER_PASSWD
- oc delete project auth-provider
Error from server (Forbidden): projects.project.openshift.io "auth-provider"
is forbidden: User "developer" cannot delete resource "projects"
in API group "project.openshift.io" in the namespace "auth-provider"
oc lgoin -u admin -p USER_PASSWD
oc extract secret/localusers -n openshift-config --to -
oc edit oauth
oc delete secret localusers -n openshift-config
oc delete user --all
oc delete identity --all
The authorization process is managed by rules, roles, and bindings.
RBAC Object | Description |
Rule | Allowed actions for objects or groups of objects |
Role | Sets of rules. Users and groups can be associated with multiple roles. |
Binding | Assignment of users or groups to a role. |
RBAC Scope Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) defines two groups of roles and bindings depending on the scope and responsibility of users: cluster roles and local roles.
Role Level | Description |
Cluster Role | Users or groups with this role level can manage the OpenShift cluster. |
Local Role | Users or groups with this role level can only manage elements at a project level. |
- oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-role username
- oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-from-user cluster-role username
OpenShift ships with a set of default cluster roles that can be assigned locally or to the entire cluster. You can modify these roles for fine-grained access control to OpenShift resources, but additional steps are required that are outside the scope of this course.
Default roles | Description |
admin | Users with this role can manage all project resources, including granting access to other users to the project. |
basic-user | Users with this role have read access to the project. |
cluster-admin | Users with this role have superuser access to the cluster resources. These users can perform any action on the cluster, and have full control of all projects. |
cluster-status | Users with this role can get cluster status information. |
edit | Users with this role can create, change, and delete common application resources from the project, such as services and deployment configurations. These users cannot act on management resources such as limit ranges and quotas, and cannot manage access permissions to the project. |
self-provisioner | Users with this role can create new projects. This is a cluster role, not a project role. |
oc adm policy add-role-to-user role-name username -n project
oc adm policy add-role-to-user basic-user dev -n wordpress view Users with this role can view project resources, but cannot modify project resources.
oc get clusterrolebinding -o wide
oc describe clusterrolebindings self-provisioners
Name: self-provisioners
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Kind: ClusterRole
Name: self-provisioner
Kind Name Namespace
---- ---- ---------
Group system:authenticated:oauth
- oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-from-group self-provisioner system:authenticated:oauth
- oc describe clusterrolebindings self-provisioners
Error from server (NotFound): clusterrolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "self-provisioners" not found
- oc policy add-role-to-user admin leader
- oc adm groups new dev-group
- oc adm groups add-users dev-group developer
- oc adm groups new qa-group
- oc adm groups add-users qa-group qa-engineer
- oc get groups
- oc policy add-role-to-group edit dev-group
- oc policy add-role-to-group view qa-group
- oc get rolebindings -o wide
- oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-group --rolebinding-name self-provisioners self-provisioner system:authenticated:oauth
- oc create secret generic secret_name --from-literal key1=secret1 --from-literal key2=secret2
- Update the pod service account to allow the reference to the secret. to allow a secret to be mounted by a pod running under a specific service account
- oc secrets add --for mount serviceaccount/serviceaccount-name secret/secret_name
name: demo-secret
key: root_password
- oc set env dc/demo --from=secret/demo-secret
oc set volume dc/demo --add --type=secret --secret-name=demo-secret --mount-path=/app-secrets
oc create secret generic mysql --from-literal user=myuser --from-literal password=redhat123 --from-literal database=test_secrets --from-literal hostname=mysql
oc new-app --name mysql --docker-image registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mysql-57-rhel7:5.7-47
oc set env dc/mysql --prefix MYSQL_ --from secret/mysql
- env:
key: database
name: mysql
key: hostname
name: mysql
key: password
name: mysql
- name: MYSQL_USER
key: user
name: mysql
- oc rsh mysql-2-rqp77
sh-4.2$ mysql -u myuser --password=redhat123 test_secrets -e 'show databases;'
sh-4.2$ exit
oc new-app --name quotes --docker-image quay.io/redhattraining/famous-quotes:1.0
oc get pods -l app=quotes
oc set env dc/quotes --prefix QUOTES_ --from secret/mysql
Red Hat OpenShift provides security context constraints (SCCs), a security mechanism that restricts access to resources, but not to operations in OpenShift.
SCCs limit the access from a running pod in OpenShift to the host environment. SCCs control:
- Running privileged containers
- Requesting extra capabilities to a container
- Using host directories as volumes
- Changing the SELinux context of a container
- Changing the user ID
$ oc get scc
OpenShift provides eight SCCs:
$ oc describe scc anyuid
Name: anyuid
Priority: 10
Users: <none>
Groups: system:cluster-admins
Allow Privileged: false
Default Add Capabilities: <none>
Required Drop Capabilities: MKNOD,SYS_CHROOT
Allowed Capabilities: <none>
Allowed Volume Types: configMap,downwardAPI,emptyDir,persistentVolumeClaim,secret
Allow Host Network: false
Allow Host Ports: false
Allow Host PID: false
Allow Host IPC: false
Read Only Root Filesystem: false
Run As User Strategy: RunAsAny
UID: <none>
UID Range Min: <none>
UID Range Max: <none>
SELinux Context Strategy: MustRunAs
User: <none>
Role: <none>
Type: <none>
Level: <none>
FSGroup Strategy: RunAsAny
Ranges: <none>
Supplemental Groups Strategy: RunAsAny
Ranges: <none>
- oc create serviceaccount service-account-name
- oc adm policy add-scc-to-user scc -z service-account-name
- oc new-project authorization-scc
- oc new-app --name gitlab --docker-image gitlab/gitlab-ce:8.4-ce.0
- oc get pods
- oc logs pod/gitlab-1-lasdf
...output omitted...
Recipe Compile Error in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/\
directory[/etc/gitlab] (gitlab::default line 26) had an error: \
Chef::Exceptions::InsufficientPermissions: Cannot create directory[/etc/gitlab] at \
/etc/gitlab due to insufficient permissions
...output omitted...
- oc create sa gitlab-sa
- oc login -u admin -p XXXXXX
- oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z gitlab-sa
- oc login -u developer -p XXX
- oc set serviceaccount deploymentconfig gitlab gitlab-sa
- oc get pods
- oc expose service gitlab --port 80
- oc get route gitlab
$ oc get rolebindings
system:image-pullers /system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:asdfasdf4asdf
admin /admin jsmith
system:deployers /system:deployer deployer
system:image-builders /system:image-builder
$ oc get clusterrolebindings
system:job-controller /system:job-controller openshift-infra/job-controller
system:build-controller /system:build-controller openshift-infra/build-controller
system:node-admins /system:node-admin system:master system:node-admins
registry-registry-role /system:registry default/registry
system:pv-provisioner-controller /system:pv-provisioner-controller openshift-infra/pv-provisioner-controller
basic-users /basic-user system:authenticated
system:namespace-controller /system:namespace-controller openshift-infra/namespace-controller
system:discovery-binding /system:discovery system:authenticated, system:unauthenticated
system:build-strategy-custom-binding /system:build-strategy-custom system:authenticated
cluster-status-binding /cluster-status system:authenticated, system:unauthenticated
system:webhooks /system:webhook system:authenticated, system:unauthenticated
system:gc-controller /system:gc-controller openshift-infra/gc-controller
cluster-readers /cluster-reader system:cluster-readers
system:pv-recycler-controller /system:pv-recycler-controller openshift-infra/pv-recycler-controller
system:daemonset-controller /system:daemonset-controller openshift-infra/daemonset-controller
cluster-admins /cluster-admin system:admin system:cluster-admins
system:hpa-controller /system:hpa-controller openshift-infra/hpa-controller
system:build-strategy-source-binding /system:build-strategy-source system:authenticated
system:replication-controller /system:replication-controller openshift-infra/replication-controller
system:sdn-readers /system:sdn-reader system:nodes
system:build-strategy-docker-binding /system:build-strategy-docker system:authenticated
system:routers /system:router system:routers
system:oauth-token-deleters /system:oauth-token-deleter system:authenticated, system:unauthenticated
system:node-proxiers /system:node-proxier system:nodes
system:nodes /system:node system:nodes
self-provisioners /self-provisioner system:authenticated:oauth
system:service-serving-cert-controller /system:service-serving-cert-controller openshift-infra/service-serving-cert-controller
system:registrys /system:registry system:registries
system:pv-binder-controller /system:pv-binder-controller openshift-infra/pv-binder-controller
system:build-strategy-jenkinspipeline-binding /system:build-strategy-jenkinspipeline system:authenticated
system:deployment-controller /system:deployment-controller openshift-infra/deployment-controller
system:masters /system:master system:masters
system:service-load-balancer-controller /system:service-load-balancer-controller
- oc describe dns.operator/default
- oc get Network.config.openshift.io cluster
Ingress (resource). The Ingress Operator manages this resource. Ingresses accept external requests and proxy them based on the route. You can only route HTTP, HTTPS and server name identification (SNI), and TLS with SNI.
External load balancer (service type). This resources instructs OpenShift to spin up a load balancer in a cloud environment. A load balancer instructs OpenShift to interact with the cloud provider in which the cluster is running to provision a load balancer.
Service external IP (service type). This method instructs OpenShift to set NAT rules to redirect traffic from one of the cluster IPs to the container.
NodePort (service type). With this method, OpenShift exposes a service on a static port on the node IP address. You must ensure that the external IP addresses are properly routed to the nodes.
- Edge
- Pass-through
- Re-encryption
- oc create route edge --service api-frontend --api.apps.acme.com --key api.key --cert api.crt
- oc expose service api-frontend
- If you have HTTP/HTTPS, use an Ingress Controller.
- If you have a TLS-encrypted protocol other than HTTPS. For example, for TLS with the SNI header, use an Ingress Controller.
- Otherwise, use a Load Balancer, an External IP, or a NodePort.
- openssl genrsa -out
- openssl req -new -key
-out training.csr
- openssl x509 -req -in
-passin file:passphrase.txt -CA training-CA.pem -CAkey