An Elixir/Erlang library providing low level operations for dealing with Emoji glyphs in the Unicode standard. 🆒
Exmoji is like a swiss-army knife for dealing with Emoji encoding issues. If all
you need to do is translate :poop:
into 💩, then there are plenty of other
libs out there that will probably do what you want. But once you are dealing
with Emoji as a fundamental part of your application, and you start to realize
the nightmare of doublebyte encoding or variants, then
this library may be your new best friend. 🙌
Exmoji is written by the same author as the Ruby emoji_data.rb gem, which is used in production by to parse well over 100M+ emoji glyphs daily. This version was written to provide all the same functionality while being even higher performance. 💫
Add it to your deps list in your mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:exmoji, "~> 0.2.2"}]
To get the development version, you can pull directly from GitHub:
defp deps do
[{:exmoji, github: "mroth/exmoji"}]
Full API documentation is available via standard module docs or here:
The main library, with detailed search and conversion functions.
Some examples:
iex> Exmoji.from_unified "0023-20E3"
%Exmoji.EmojiChar{name: "HASH KEY", short_name: "hash", short_names: ["hash"],
text: nil, unified: "0023-20E3", variations: ["0023-FE0F-20E3"]}
iex> Exmoji.all |> Enum.count
iex> Exmoji.all_with_variants |> Enum.count
iex> Exmoji.find_by_short_name("moon") |> Enum.count
iex> for t <- Exmoji.find_by_name("tree"), do:
A struct representation of a single Emoji character and all of its associated metadata.
This module also contains some convenience methods for acting upon these
structs. For example, EmojiChar.render/1
will produce a bitstring
representation of an Emoji character suitable for transmission. It understands
which Emoji have variant encodings and will do the right thing to make sure they
are likely to display correctly on the other end.
iex> alias Exmoji.EmojiChar
iex> for e <- Exmoji.all, EmojiChar.doublebyte?(e), do: e.short_name
["hash", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight",
"nine", "cn", "de", "es", "fr", "gb", "it", "jp", "kr", "ru", "us"]
iex> for m <- Exmoji.find_by_short_name("moon"), do: EmojiChar.render(m)
["🌑", "🌒", "🌓", "🌔", "🌕", "🌖", "🌗", "🌘", "🌙", "🌚", "🌛", "🌜", "🌝"]
Provides very fast searches against binary strings for the presence of UTF-8 encoded Emoji glyphs. Whereas the Ruby and NodeJS versions of this library accomplish this via regular expressions, the Elixir version relies on optmized binary pattern matching, making it faster.
An example:
iex> for ec <- Exmoji.Scanner.scan("I ♥ when marketers talk about the ☁.") do
...> IO.puts "Found some #{ec.short_name}!"
...> end
Found some hearts!
Found some cloud!
[:ok, :ok]
Please be sure to run mix test
and help keep test coverage at 💯. (Note:
excoveralls is currently lying, actual test coverage is 100%, but it
doesn't seem to catch dynamically defined functions. Do mix coveralls.details
and manually verify those for now.)
There is a full benchmark suite available via mix bench
. Please
run before and after your changes to ensure you have not caused a performance