An application for motivating people to exercise by incentivizing them with the two true incentives in life: pride and money.
- MongoDB with Mongoose
- Node with Express
- Angular
- Git clone the repo
- Checkout the dev branch
- Make sure you are in the root folder of the eggercise directory, which is 'eggercise'.
- Install npm if you haven't. Follow instrucions here
- Install MongoDB, Follow instructions here
- npm install
- bower install
- Navigate to the /eggercise/server folder and run
jasmine init
(this is for setting up server side specs) - Navigate to the /eggercise folder and run
gulp serve
At this point, you should have the app setup complete.
- Open a new terminal window and run the command 'mongod'.
- You should now see that Mongo server is running
- Open another terminal window and run the command 'gulp serve' to have the server running.
- With default settings, the app should automatically pop up in a new web browser window.
- (Skip this if previous step was successful) If not, open a new web browser window and in the URL bar, type in 'localhost:3000'. This should redirect you to the landing page of the app.
- You should see the landing page as shown below:
- Open a new terminal window, and navigate to 'server' folder.
- There are 6 spec folders, one each for user, group, invite, auth, email, and error.
- In order to run the specs, run the command 'NODE_ENV=test jasmine spec/_path_to_directory/filename'.
- There is a total of 6 specs (including controllers and models) in the server side. You can run one spec file at a time. For example, if you want to run the spec for group controller, you would type in the command: 'NODE_ENV=test jasmine spec/api/group/group.controller.spec.js'
- This will run the test suite within the test database named 'eggercise-test'.
***WARNING: You cannot run the specs while the actual server is running. Terminate the server to run the spec files (Ctrl + C if server is running)
- Open a new terminal window, and navigate to 'client' folder.
- Simply run the command 'gulp test' in the terminal.
Refer to the Eggercise document here