This application provides a simple interface for capturing, processing, and saving video streams from a webcam using PyQt5 and OpenCV.
- Ensure you have Python installed on your system.
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install PyQt5 opencv-python
- Run the application:
- Click the Start button to begin capturing the video stream from the webcam.
- Click the Stop button to pause the video stream.
- Click the Save button to save the current frame as an image. You will be prompted to choose the file format (JPEG or PNG) and the location to save the image.
- Choose from the available image processing methods in the dropdown menu:
- None: No processing applied.
- Grayscale: Convert the frame to grayscale.
- Edge Detection: Detect edges in the frame using the Canny edge detector.
- Adjust the processing parameters using the slider:
- Threshold: Adjust the threshold value for edge detection.
- The File menu in the menu bar provides a Save option to save the current frame.
- The toolbar offers quick access to Start and Stop actions.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests for any improvements or bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.