Have you ever wondered why Kim K is famous? Me too... I'm still not 100% sure why she's famous but doing this project has learned me a lot. My belief is that it is the result of many small events, each of which brought her closer to public consciousness. Once she was famous enough to have a TV show, the momentum propelled her to the top, but getting there involved a lot of things happening just right.
Check it out here https://yabberyabber.github.io/wky-is-kim-k-famous/
I skimmed through a couple dozen d3 tutorials and Perez Hilton articles. The data used to generate the graph is in js/dataset.js. At the moment you need to write json by hand to add data... I don't have any immediate plans to change that.
I had just gotten my wisdom teeth taken out and the pain meds put me in a strange mood.