ps-search-ui-sfdc generator generating a nodejs module as development environment to interact with the Coveo JS Search UI framework
- Install:
npm install -g generator-ps-search-ui-sfdc
- Run:
yo ps-search-ui-sfdc
yo ps-search-ui-sfdc
shows a wizard for generating a new nodejs module specific for a customer
Scaffolds out a complete generator directory structure for you:
|-- <CustomerName>-search-ui
|-- .editorconfig
|-- .gitattributes
|-- .gitignore
|-- .travis.yml
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- package.json
|-- tsconfig.json
|-- webpack.config.js
|-- config
| |-- config.development.js
| |--
| |-- config.production.js
| |-- index.js
|-- gulpTasks
| |-- compile.js
| |-- css.js
| |-- dev.js
| |-- prettify.js
| |-- setup.js
|-- sass
| |-- AgentBox.scss
| |-- AgentFullSearch.scss
| |-- CommunityFullSearch.scss
|-- src
| |-- Index.ts
| |-- custo
| | |-- <CustomerName>Custo.ts
| | |-- <CustomerName>Helper.ts
| | |-- <CustomerName>Initialization.ts
| |-- events
| | |-- CustomEvents.ts
| |-- ui
|-- vendor
| |-- coveo
| | |-- Box
| | | |-- css
| | | | |-- CoveoBoxNew.css
| | | |-- js
| | | |-- CoveoJsSearch_Box.d.ts
| | | |-- CoveoJsSearch_Box.js
| | | |-- templates
| | | |-- All.js
| | | |-- Chatter.js
| | | |-- Dropbox.js
| | | |-- Email.js
| | | |-- GoogleDrive.js
| | | |-- Jira.js
| | | |-- Lithium.js
| | | |-- People.js
| | | |-- Salesforce.js
| | | |-- SharePoint.js
| | | |-- YouTube.js
| | | |--
| | |-- resources
| | |-- css
| | |-- gulpTasks
| | |-- img
| | |-- js
| |-- coveo-ps
| |-- CoveoPSComponents.Custom.js
| |--
|-- views
|-- pages
| |-- agent-box.ejs
| |-- agent-full-search.ejs
| |-- community-search.ejs
|-- partials
|-- templates
Refer to our documentation to learn more about creating a Yeoman generator.