- Copyright (C) 2012 by
- SMU Text Mining Group
- Singapore Management University
- TwitterLDA is distributed for research purpose, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- The original paper is as follows:
- Wayne Xin Zhao, Jing Jiang et al., Comparing Twitter and traditional media using topic models.
- ECIR'11. (http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-20161-5_34)
- Note that the package here is not developed by the authors
- in the paper, nor used in the original papers. It's an implementation
- based on the paper, where most of the work is done by [email protected].
- Feel free to contact the following people if you find any
- problems in the package.
- [email protected]
Brief introduction:
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) has been widely used in textual analysis. The original LDA is used to find hidden "topics" in the documents, where a topic is a subject like "arts" or "education" that is discussed in the documents. The original setting in LDA, where each word has a topic label, may not work well with Twitter as tweets are short and a single tweet is more likely to talk about one topic. Hence, Twitter-LDA (T-LDA) has been proposed to address this issue. T-LDA also addresses the noisy nature of tweets, where it captures background words in tweets. As experiments in [7] have shown that T-LDA could capture more meaningful topics than LDA in Microblogs.
Data format:
Under /data/ folder you'll find three subfolders "Data4Model", "ModelRes" and "Tokens".
The data sets are tokenized and results are saved in "Tokens". The data are further processed for applying the model (Twitter-LDA), the resulting files are in "Data4Model". The model results are in "ModelRes" and the model parameter settings are in texts formatted as "modelParaemters-*.txt".
The model results are in the following format:
3.1 Folder "TextWithLabel": this folder contains files with labeled results. Each file contains a set of posts correspond to the input file. Each line is post with labeled topic id, e.g: 2011-09-01: z=156: beijing/156 olympic/156 opens/false. This means the post is with topic 156 (z = 156), it contains three terms, where "beijing" and "olympic" are with topic 156, "opens" is labeled as a background term (a term that is popular in many posts, similar to stop words);
3.2 BackgroundWordsDistribution.txt: this file list top ranked background words;
3.3 TopicCountsOnUsers.txt: this file contains N * T matrix, N is total number of input files (users), T is total number of topic, each element corresponds to number of times the user mentioned the topic;
3.4 TopicsDistributionOnUsers.txt: The format is the same with the above file, but each line is a topic distribution of the user.