A very simple to use Linked List libray for C.
Currently working on improving the documentation.
- Linux/macOS:
$ make install #to install
$ make uninstall #to uninstall
- Header File: clist.h
- Static Library File: libclist.a [-lclist]
- Linux/macOS:
$ gcc <file-name> -I /usr/local/include -L /usr/local/lib -lclist
- clist_error_t
- clist_node_t
- clist_map_function_t
- clist_t
- clist_get_error_info
- clist_init
- clist_insert_front
- clist_insert_rear
- clist_insert_at
- clist_remove_front
- clist_remove_rear
- clist_remove_at
- clist_begin
- clist_rbegin
- clist_end
- clist_rend
- clist_next
- clist_prev
- clist_node_at
- clist_update_at
- clist_map
- clist_size
- clist_free
- clist_init_t
- clist_list_end
- clist_for_each
- clist_for_each_reverse
- clist_node_unwrap_safe_as
- clist_node_unwarp_unsafe_as
- clist_insert_front_val
- clist_insert_rear_val
- clist_insert_at_val
- clist_update_at_val
- clist_node_get_type_ptr
- clist_is_empty
- Initialise the Object:
clist_t *clist;
clist_error_t err;
clist = clist_init(sizeof(int));
clist = clist_init_t(int); //macro to do the same operation
- Insert an element:
int x = 45;
err = clist_insert_front(clist, &x);
//macro to do the same previous two operation
clist_insert_front_val(clist, int, 45, err);
int y = 14;
err = clist_insert_rear(clist, &y);
//macro to do the same previous two operation
clist_insert_rear_val(clist, int, 14, err);
int z = 37;
err = clist_insert_at(clist, &x, 7); //7 is the index
//macro to do the same previous two operation
clist_insert_at_val(clist, int, 45, 7, err);
- Update an elemnt:
int i = 99;
err = clist_update_at(clist, &i, 0); //updates the element with new value at 0th index
//macro to do the same previous two operation
clist_update_at_val(clist, int, 99, 0, err);
- Remove an element:
err = clist_remove_front(clist);
err = clist_remove_rear(clist);
err = clist_remove_at(clist, 0);
- Iterators:
clist_node_t *n;
n = clist_begin(clist); //get the first node of linked list
//returns null if linked list is empty
n = clist_rbegin(clist); //get the last node of linked list
//returns null if linked list is empty
clist_node_t *end;
end = clist_end(clist); //returns the end of linked list
end = clist_rend(clist); //returns the reverse end of linked list
n = clist_next(n); //moves node `n` to next node
n = clist_prev(n); //moves node `n` to previous node
//n equals to end on reaching either size of the linked list
//itterating the linked list
clist_node_t *iter;
clist_for_each(clist, iter) {
//iter contains the data
//itterating the linked list in reverse
clist_for_each_reverse(clist, iter) {
//iter contains the data
- Unwraping a Node Value:
int val = clist_node_unwrap_unsafe_as(n, int); //not safe, if the node is `NULL` then it will cause an segfault
val = clist_node_unwrap_safe_as(n, int, -1); //if the node is `NULL`, -1 will be assigned in val else the node value
- Get Node at an index:
clist_node_t *n0 = clist_node_at(clist, 4); //get node
int val0 = clist_node_unwrap_safe_as(n0, int, 0);
- Linked List Size:
size_t s = clist_size(clist);
//itterating using size
for(size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
clist_node_t *n = clist_node_at(clist, i);
int val = clist_node_unwrap_safe_as(n, int, -1);
- Map function:
//map function in clist allows to itterate over the linked-list
//while calling call-back function at each node
void sum(clist_node_t *n, void *data) {
int *sum_val = (int *)data;
*sum_val += clist_node_unwrap_safe_as(n, int, 0);
//in other function
int sum_val = 0;
clist_map(clist, (void*)&sum_val, (const clist_map_function_t*)sum);
//sum_val will contain sum of all nodes