配合koa@v2使用的路由注册系统,Now , you can use the service !!!! please see the readme.md
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Buddha bless : : Never BUGs
npm install koa-qx-router
npm install koa-qx-router --save
const qx = require("koa-qx-router");
const qxServer = new qx.server();
qxServer.listen(mainPort, mainHostname, cb);
Install auth must be used. add an auth at least. An auth can only be used by one person to cerate client Service to connect the main service.
qxServer.install({name1:pass1, name2:pass2 ...});
create a app
const koa = require("koa");
const app = new koa();
create a client service object
const qx = require("koa-qx-router");
const qxClient = new qx.client({
port: mainPort, // 主路由的端口,default 1333
hostname: mainHostname, // 主路由的hostname,default
name: auth_name, // 注册主路由时的auth,作为验证,需要在主路由中先配置此项
pass: auth_pass
Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header. Options is a json.
origin Array, default [*], set `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`
credentials Boolean, default false, set `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`
allowMethods String, default 'GET,HEAD,PUT,POST,DELETE', set `Access-Control-Allow-Methods`
strict Boolean, false, set `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` cors model
name: name,
pass: pass
if didnt set name and pass, qxClient will auto generate a name and pass.
#####Options Parse the request body. options is a json
encoding String, default `utf-8`
multipart Boolean, allow multipart data, default true,
jsonLimit String|Integer, The byte (if integer) limit of the JSON body, default 1mb
formLimit String|Integer, The byte (if integer) limit of the form body, default 56kb
textLimit String|Integer, The byte (if integer) limit of the text body, default 56kb
patchNode Boolean, Patch request body to Node's ctx.req, default false
patchKoa Boolean, Patch request body to Koa's ctx.request, default true
add koa-router
const router = require("koa-router")();
router.all("/getname", function* (){
this.body = "ok";
start client service
app.listen(clientPort, qxClient.registerServer(app));
Now, defined a rest Api for, access the api you can use curl like
curl http://mainHostname:mainPort/auth_name/getname
use the module must start least 2 service processes. 1 for Main service, others for client service processes.
Main service process is open to the outside world.
Client service processes is closed, not open to the outside world.
Users only through the main service process to access client service processes.