One of the presentations in the series of technical presentations at sapient. This one tries to cover the different javascript profiling tools available in the Chrome Developer Tools.
- Clone/Fork the github repo.
- Open terminal and move to the project directory
- Execute the follwing command 'grunt serve -p 8000'
- Open the following address in the browser http://localhost:8000
- Chrome Sampler Profiler.
- Chrome tracing:// Instrumented Profiler.
- Cocos2D-X Html sample game with Frame drop issues.
- Run Profiler and locate the issue.
Everything in the presentation except the demo is derived from the this Google Webcast. So if you are lost, please just watch this video. It opens your eyes to the possibilities that chrome developer tools bring to the table.
Create a screencast with commentary and make the youtube/vimeo link available in the presentation markup.
MIT licensed