Package containing all the xToken contract ABIs and addresses.
yarn add @xtoken/abis
yarn build
Link @xtoken/abis
package via yarn for local development and testing the integration on the UI
$ cd abis
$ yarn link # @xtoken/abis package will be linked to the local copy
$ cd cafe
$ yarn link @xtoken/abis # This will create a symlink named cafe/node_modules/@xtoken/abis that links to the local copy of the xToken abis project
$ yarn unlink # To unlink the installed package
To automatically fix eslint
and prettier
formatting issues, run:
yarn fix
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
import { Abis, ADDRESSES, X_AAVE_A } from '@xtoken/abis'
// Setup provider
const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider('homestead', '<API KEY>')
const network = await provider.getNetwork()
const { chainId } = network
// Initialise xAAVEa contract
const xaaveContract = new ethers.Contract(ADDRESSES[X_AAVE_A][chainId], Abis.xAAVE, provider)
1. Add Contract constants in constants.ts
2. Add mainnet addresses based on the constants in addresses.ts
3. Add the contract abis in abis/
4. Export the ABIs in abis/index.ts