A web application where users can upload their resumes and have it reviewed by other users (specific to CS majors). Users also have the ability to upvote, downvote, and comment on other users’ resumes.
Youtube link Prototype https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_qznEGCp30
The web app is now deployed on: https://www.reschk.me/
Step 1:
- Install Node.js on your local machine: https://nodejs.org/en/
- Run and execute the file
- Now you have npm on your machine
In your Mac (Mac) or Windows Terminal(Powershell):
$ git clone https://github.com/levys19/Cracking_the_resume.git
After you cloned the repository, go inside the directory (~/Cracking_the_resume)
$ cd Cracking_the_resume
Step 3:
From the Cracking_the_resume directory, enter the cracking_the_resume directory (~/Cracking_the_resume/cracking_the_resume)
$ cd cracking_the_resume
Then run:
$ npm install
to download all the dependencies.
Lastly run:
$npm start
to start the server
Now, the web app can be launched in your local web browser on localhost:3000
- Users will first create a user account with the web application or log into their exisiting account:
These are the fields they are required to fill out(when they first create an account):
- Name
- Major/year
- City
- What are you looking for? Internship/full-time
- Then, user uploads their resume to the web app
- After the user uploads their resume, he/she can upvote, downvote or comment on other users' resumes.
- Making the resume anonymous so users do not see eath other's personal information
- Meet up with other users (virtually) and practice for coding interviews through the web app
- Include other communities/majors instead of just computer science
- Rank top 10 resumes into top resume page so others can see the best resumes and gain inspiration from them
- Incorporate a Resume Template Maker that will automatically create a resume for the user once they fill in their information about education, work experience, etc.
I want to have my resume reviewed by other people in my major/field. I also want to be able to look at other people’s resumes and give them valuable feedback in a quick manner.