First screen: SplashActivity
- Check if you already downloaded the data previously. If you did, retrive the data from the local DataBase and proceed to stage 4 else, go through all stages below.
- Go to and download the JSON.
- Parse the JSON and save it.
- Go to next screen: movie list
Second screen: MovieList
- Display the list of movies by release year and from new to old.
- Clicking a movie should transfer the user to Movie details screen.
- Clicking on the add button should take to a QR scanning screen.
- Scanning the QR code below, add the movie to DataBase (If the DB already contain the movie, display a SnackBar with message - “Current movie already exist in the Database”.
Third screen: MovieDetailsActivity
- Show movie details screen which will contains all data from the model.
- Back press should take you back to the movie list screen.