New in version 0.7.0
Component re-estimation, refitting and topic merging
Some models can now easily be modified after being trained in an efficient manner,
without having to recompute all attributes from scratch.
This is especially significant for clustering models and
from turftopic import SemanticSignalSeparation, ClusteringTopicModel
s3_model = SemanticSignalSeparation(5, feature_importance="combined").fit(corpus)
# Re-estimating term importances
# Refitting S^3 with a different number of topics (very fast)
s3_model.refit(n_components=10, random_seed=42)
clustering_model = ClusteringTopicModel().fit(corpus)
# Reduces number of topics automatically with a given method
clustering_model.reduce_topics(n_reduce_to=20, reduction_method="smallest")
# Merge topics manually
# Resets original topics
# Re-estimates term importances based on a different method
Manual topic naming
You can now manually label topics in all models in Turftopic.
# you can specify a dict mapping IDs to names
model.rename_topics({0: "New name for topic 0", 5: "New name for topic 5"})
# or a list of topic names
model.rename_topics([f"Topic {i}" for i in range(10)])
Saving, loading and publishing to HF Hub
You can now load, save and publish models with dedicated functionality.
from turftopic import load_model
model = load_model("out_folder/")
model = load_model("your_user/model_name")