This is a small but practically useful tool for setting up a web server on a machine in a few seconds, and then you can visit its uploading page from other machines to transfer files to it, no needing resorting to ftp, sftp, rsync, QQ, etc.
Although it was built with Go, you can run it without Go environment.
You can get the pre-built binary file directly and are ready to run it, on Windows for example:
or you can pull down the source files using your favorite go
tool and build main.go
by yourself.
Start the executable file on the machine you want transfer files to:
fileToGo-win64.exe (or fileToGo on Unix system)
Once it started up successfully, you can upload files from other machines.
Users in favor of shell can upload files through curl (replace the ip with your real ip):
curl -F [email protected]
Or launch a browser and navigate to the url