A Blockchain-Based Evidence Management Framework to easily handle digital evidence
1- Ganache Blockchain (can be downloaded here: https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache) 2- Truffle Framework (can be downloaded here: https://www.trufflesuite.com/truffle) 2- IPFS to store and retrieve evidence (can be downloaded here: https://ipfs.io/)
1- Git clone the files to your desktop. 2- Launch Ganache and IPFS Daemon. 3- In Ganacge, create new workspace and import truffle-config.js file. 4- Open a terminal and go to the projects directory and migrate using "truffle migrate". 3- In the main.py file, do the following:
- In line 22 (Change the blockchain address)
- In line 50 & 79, change the file location asper yours.
Make sure you put your Blockchin address after you migrate using truffle framework.