tolle fuga ad astra 🚀 ✨
👋 I'm David -- I mash keys on a weird-lookin' keyboard (Kinesis Advantage 2) and a wonky mouse (Evoluent VMDMW), and at times, produce things of utility.
- applied pseudo-computer science . programming at times be a pastime . pickleball . sports fanatic (NBA, NFL) . hip-hop . perpetual imposter-syndrome
- programming languages (using/dabbling/dabbled) : Elixir, Erlang, Python, Ruby, Clojure, Rust, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin, Haskell, and cargo-culting whatever Hacker News seemingly likes to mention
- fast keyboard-centric (mouseless) workflows : Unix utilities, WezTerm (terminal), Neovim/Vim, fzf, ripgrep, tmux
technical interests (present)
- declarative programming with functional and/or reactive programming languages and how they can yield less buggy and more robust systems
- distributed systems protocols, data-structures, algorithms