Pipeline to bin 10X, HiC, PacBio and ONT reads based on ancestry assemblies.
Requirements for compiling: gcc:
$ git clone https://github.com/wtsi-hpag/AncesBin.git
$ cd AncesBin
$ ./install.sh
If everything compiled successfully you must see the final comment: "Congrats: installation successful!"
The genome aligner BWA (http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net) and SMALT (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/science/tools/smalt-0) are downloaded and compiled by AncesBin.
$ /full/path/to/AncesBin/src/bin10x -nodes <nodes> Input_sorted_bam Input_data_file Output_directory \
nodes: number of CPUs requested [ default = 30 ]
Input_sorted_bam: read name sorted longranger BAM file
input a bam file which had been produced by using lariat in longranger,
(a). rename the assembly file:
$ /full/path/to/AncesBin/src/scaff-bin/seqbin_rename -name MAT MAT_assembly.fa MAT_ref.fasta
$ /full/path/to/AncesBin/src/scaff-bin/seqbin_rename -name PAT PAT_assembly.fa PAT_ref.fasta
(b). cat assemblies
$ cat MAT_ref.fasta PAT_ref.fasta > MPAT_ref.fasta
(b). generate reference assembly file using longranger
$ longranger mkref MPAT_ref.fasta
(c). align 10x reads using lariat longranger
$ longranger align --fastq="reads_10x" --sample=fTakRub1 --reference="refdata-MPAT_ref" --localcores=50 --id=10x-align
Note: for reads_10x please provide full path
10x-align is an output directory
(d). sort the longranger bam
$ samtools sort -n -@ 30 -O BAM -o possorted_sort.bam possorted_bam.bam
Input_data_file: a text file to point the locations of the reads in paired files\n");
q2=/lustre/scratch116/vr/projects/Tes1_S4_L008_R2_001.fastq.gz \
Output_directory: a director contained all the binned 10X reads\n");
$ /full/path/to/AncesBin/src/binHiC -nodes 30 MAT_ref.fasta PAT_ref.fasta Input_read_1.fq.gz Input_read_2.fq.gz Output_head \
nodes: number of CPUs requested [ default = 30 ]
MAT_ref.fasta: ancestry MAT assembly
PAT_ref.fasta: ancestry PAT assembly
Input_read_1.fq.gz: gzipped HiC read 1
Input_read_2.fq.gz: gzipped HiC read 2
Output_head: output 4 files as Output_head_1.MAT.gz Output_head_2.MAT.gz Output_head_1.PAT.gz Output_head_2.PAT.gz
$ /full/path/to/AncesBin/src/binLong -nodes 30 MAT_ref.fasta PAT_ref.fasta Input_data_file Output_directory \
nodes: number of CPUs requested [ default = 30 ]
MAT_ref.fasta: ancestry MAT assembly
PAT_ref.fasta: ancestry PAT assembly
Input_data_file: a text file to point the locations of the reads in gzipped files\n");
/lustre/fTakRub1/PacBio/fasta/m54097_180323_154627.subreads.fasta.gz \
Output_directory: a director contained all the binned PacBio or ONT long reads\n");