This repository hosts Helm charts created by Will Sugarman (@wsugarman). It serves as both a Helm Chart Repository and as an Artifact Hub KEDA Scaler Repository. The source code for the charts cannot be found here. Instead, charts are automatically synchronized with pull requests from their respective CI GitHub actions:
Chart | Repository |
durabletask-azurestorage-scaler | |
The chart repository is controlled by the index.yaml that details all of the available charts and their versions. As new charts and versions are published, their archives and provenance files are found in their corresponding folder:
|- index.yaml
|- durabletask-azurestorage-scaler/
|- durabletask-azurestorage-scaler-1.0.0.tgz
|- durabletask-azurestorage-scaler-1.0.0.tgz.prov
|- durabletask-azurestorage-scaler-2.0.0.tgz
|- durabletask-azurestorage-scaler-2.0.0.tgz.prov
|- ...
To install any of the Helm charts, the chart repository must be added using helm repo add
helm repo add wsugarman
helm repo update
Afterwards, any of the charts in the repository may be installed using helm install
helm install --namespace keda --create-namespace dtfx-scaler wsugarman/durabletask-azurestorage-scaler
The Artifact Hub Scaler repository is found under the artifacthub folder. Repository information is recorded in the artifacthub-repo.yml while every published scaler version is found in a separate folder:
|- artifacthub-repo.yml
|- durabletask-azurestorage-scaler/
|- 1.0.0/
| |
| |-
| |- artifacthub-pkg.yml
|- 2.0.0/
|- artifacthub-pkg.yml