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Finish the formal verification effort (#56)
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Co-authored-by: Giuseppe <[email protected]>
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kustosz and Eagle941 authored Jan 28, 2024
1 parent 113f8a8 commit 7f6099c
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,605 additions and 834 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions formal-verification/FormalVerification/BinaryDecompositions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import FormalVerification
import FormalVerification.Common
import FormalVerification.ReducednessCheck
import ProvenZk

open SemaphoreMTB (F Order)

lemma ReducedToBinary_256_iff_Fin_toBitsLE {f : F} {v : Vector F 256}:
Gates.to_binary f 256 v ∧ SemaphoreMTB.ReducedModRCheck_256 v ↔
v = (Fin.toBitsLE ⟨f.val, Nat.lt_trans (Fin.is_lt f) (by decide)⟩).map Bool.toZMod := by
rw [Gates.to_binary_iff_eq_Fin_ofBitsLE]
apply Iff.intro
. intro ⟨bin, red⟩
rcases bin with ⟨v, a, b⟩
rw [ReducedModRCheck_256_semantics] at red
have {h} : (ZMod.val ((Fin.ofBitsLE v).val : F)) h = Fin.ofBitsLE v := by
simp [ZMod.val_cast_of_lt, red]
simp [this]
. rintro ⟨_⟩
simp [ReducedModRCheck_256_semantics, ZMod.val_lt]

def rev_ix_256 (i : Fin 256): Fin 256 := 248 - (i / 8) * 8 + i % 8
def rev_ix_32 (i : Fin 32): Fin 32 := 24 - (i / 8) * 8 + i % 8

theorem rev_ix_256_surj : Function.Surjective rev_ix_256 := by
intro i
exists rev_ix_256 i
revert i

theorem rev_ix_32_surj : Function.Surjective rev_ix_32 := by
intro i
exists rev_ix_32 i
revert i

theorem ToReducedBigEndian_256_uncps {f k}:
SemaphoreMTB.ToReducedBigEndian_256 f k ↔ k (Vector.permute rev_ix_256 ((Fin.toBitsLE ⟨f.val, Nat.lt_trans (Fin.is_lt f) (by decide)⟩).map Bool.toZMod)) := by
unfold SemaphoreMTB.ToReducedBigEndian_256
conv =>
pattern _ ::ᵥ _
change Vector.permute rev_ix_256 gate_0
apply Iff.intro
. intro ⟨g, a, b, c⟩
rw [ ⟨a, b⟩] at c
. intro _
simp_rw [←and_assoc, ReducedToBinary_256_iff_Fin_toBitsLE]
simp [*]

theorem ToReducedBigEndian_32_uncps {f k}:
SemaphoreMTB.ToReducedBigEndian_32 f k ↔ ∃(h : f.val < 2^32), k (Vector.permute rev_ix_32 ((Fin.toBitsLE ⟨f.val, h⟩).map Bool.toZMod)) := by
unfold SemaphoreMTB.ToReducedBigEndian_32
unfold SemaphoreMTB.ReducedModRCheck_32
conv =>
pattern _ ::ᵥ _
change Vector.permute rev_ix_32 gate_0
simp_rw [Gates.to_binary_iff_eq_fin_to_bits_le_of_pow_length_lt]
apply Iff.intro
. rintro ⟨_, ⟨_, ⟨_⟩⟩, _, cont⟩
simp [*]
. rintro ⟨_, _⟩
simp [*]

theorem FromBinaryBigEndian_256_uncps {f k}:
SemaphoreMTB.FromBinaryBigEndian_256 ( Bool.toZMod f) k ↔ k (Fin.ofBitsLE (Vector.permute rev_ix_256 f)).val := by
unfold SemaphoreMTB.FromBinaryBigEndian_256
conv =>
pattern _ ::ᵥ _
change Vector.permute rev_ix_256 ( Bool.toZMod)
simp [←Vector.map_permute, Gates.from_binary_iff_eq_ofBitsLE_mod_order]
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions formal-verification/FormalVerification/Common.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import FormalVerification
import ProvenZk.Binary
import ProvenZk.Hash
import ProvenZk.Merkle
import ProvenZk.Ext.Vector

def Bn256_Fr : Nat := 0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d2833e84879b9709143e1f593f0000001
axiom bn256_Fr_prime : Nat.Prime Bn256_Fr
instance : Fact (Nat.Prime SemaphoreMTB.Order) := (by apply bn256_Fr_prime)

abbrev D := 30
abbrev B := 4
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions formal-verification/FormalVerification/Deletion.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
import ProvenZk

import FormalVerification
import FormalVerification.Common
import FormalVerification.Poseidon

import FormalVerification.MerkleProofs

open SemaphoreMTB (F Order)

open SemaphoreMTB renaming DeletionRound_30_30 → gDeletionRound
open SemaphoreMTB renaming DeletionProof_4_4_30_4_4_30 → gDeletionProof
open SemaphoreMTB renaming VerifyProof_31_30 → gVerifyProof

namespace Deletion

def deletionRoundSemantics (Index Item : F) (Tree : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D) (Proof : Vector F D) (k : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D → Prop): Prop :=
if Index.val < 2 ^ (D + 1)
then if h : Index.val < 2 ^ D
then Tree.itemAtFin ⟨Index.val, h⟩ = Item ∧
Tree.proofAtFin ⟨Index.val, h⟩ = Proof.reverse ∧
k (Tree.setAtFin ⟨Index.val, h⟩ 0)
else k Tree
else False

theorem deletionRoundCircuit_eq_deletionRoundSemantics [Fact (CollisionResistant poseidon₂)]:
gDeletionRound tree.root index item proof k ↔ deletionRoundSemantics index item tree proof (fun t => k t.root) := by
unfold gDeletionRound
unfold deletionRoundSemantics
rw [Vector.exists_succ_iff_exists_snoc]
simp only [Vector.getElem_snoc_before_length, Vector.getElem_snoc_at_length]
conv =>
pattern (occs := *) _ ::ᵥ _
. change item ::ᵥ Vector.ofFn proof.get
. change Vector.ofFn vs.get
. change 0 ::ᵥ Vector.ofFn proof.get
simp_rw [Vector.ofFn_get, Gates.to_binary_iff_eq_fin_to_bits_le_of_pow_length_lt]
unfold Fin.toBitsLE
unfold Fin.toBitsBE
cases Decidable.em (index.val < 2^(D+1)) with
| inl hlt =>
cases Nat.lt_or_ge index.val (2^D) with
| inl hlt =>
simp [*, VerifyProof_uncps', sub_eq_zero, MerkleTree.root_setAtFin_eq_recoverAtFin]
apply Iff.intro <;> {
intros; casesm* _ ∧ _; simp [*] at *; assumption
| inr hge =>
have : ¬index.val < 2 ^ D := by linarith
simp [*, VerifyProof_uncps, sub_eq_zero]
| inr hge => simp [*]

def deletionRoundsSemantics {b : Nat}
(indices : Vector F b)
(items : Vector F b)
(proofs : Vector (Vector F D) b)
(tree : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D)
(k : F → Prop): Prop := match b with
| => k tree.root
| Nat.succ _ =>
deletionRoundSemantics (indices.head) (items.head) tree (proofs.head) (fun t => deletionRoundsSemantics indices.tail items.tail proofs.tail t k)

theorem deletionProofCircuit_eq_deletionRoundsSemantics [Fact (CollisionResistant poseidon₂)]:
gDeletionProof indices tree.root idComms proofs k ↔ deletionRoundsSemantics indices idComms proofs tree k := by
unfold gDeletionProof
repeat unfold deletionRoundsSemantics
repeat (
cases indices using Vector.casesOn; rename_i _ indices
cases idComms using Vector.casesOn; rename_i _ idComms
cases proofs using Vector.casesOn; rename_i _ proofs
simp_rw [deletionRoundCircuit_eq_deletionRoundSemantics]

def treeTransformationSemantics {B : ℕ}
(tree : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D)
(indices : Vector F B): Option (MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D) := match B with
| 0 => some tree
| _ + 1 => if h : indices.head.val < 2 ^ D
then treeTransformationSemantics (tree.setAtFin ⟨indices.head.val, h⟩ 0) indices.tail
else if indices.head.val < 2 ^ (D + 1)
then treeTransformationSemantics tree indices.tail
else none

theorem deletionRounds_rootTransformation {B : ℕ} {indices idComms : Vector F B} {proofs : Vector (Vector F D) B} {tree : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D} {k : F → Prop}:
deletionRoundsSemantics indices idComms proofs tree k →
∃postTree, treeTransformationSemantics tree indices = some postTree ∧ k postTree.root := by
intro hp
induction B generalizing tree with
| zero => exists tree
| succ B ih =>
unfold deletionRoundsSemantics at hp
unfold deletionRoundSemantics at hp
split at hp
. split at hp
. rcases hp with ⟨-, -, hp⟩
replace hp := ih hp
unfold treeTransformationSemantics
simp [*]
. unfold treeTransformationSemantics
replace hp := ih hp
simp [*]
. contradiction

theorem treeTransform_get_absent {B : ℕ} {i : F} {indices : Vector F B} {tree tree' : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D}:
treeTransformationSemantics tree indices = some tree' → i ∉ indices → tree'[i.val]? = tree[i.val]? := by
intro hp hn
induction B generalizing tree tree' with
| zero => unfold treeTransformationSemantics at hp; injection hp; simp [*]
| succ B ih =>
unfold treeTransformationSemantics at hp
have i_tail : i ∉ indices.tail := by
intro h
apply hn
apply Vector.mem_of_mem_tail
split at hp
. replace hp := ih hp i_tail
rw [hp]; clear hp
cases Nat.lt_or_ge i.val (2^D) with
| inl _ =>
repeat rw [getElem?_eq_some_getElem_of_valid_index] <;> try assumption
apply congrArg
apply MerkleTree.itemAtFin_setAtFin_invariant_of_neq
intro hp
apply hn
injection hp with hp
cases (Fin.eq_of_veq hp)
apply Vector.head_mem
| inr _ =>
repeat rw [getElem?_none_of_invalid_index]
all_goals (apply not_lt_of_ge; assumption)
. split at hp
. exact ih hp i_tail
. contradiction

theorem treeTranform_get_present {B : ℕ} {i : F} {indices : Vector F B} {tree tree' : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D}:
treeTransformationSemantics tree indices = some tree' → i ∈ indices → tree'[i.val]! = 0 := by
intro hp hi
induction B generalizing tree tree' with
| zero => cases indices using Vector.casesOn; cases hi
| succ B ih =>
unfold treeTransformationSemantics at hp
cases indices using Vector.casesOn; rename_i hix tix
split at hp
. rename_i range
cases Decidable.em (i ∈ tix.toList) with
| inl h => exact ih hp h
| inr h =>
rw [getElem!_eq_getElem?_get!]
rw [treeTransform_get_absent hp h]
cases eq_or_ne i hix with
| inl heq =>
cases heq
rw [getElem?_eq_some_getElem_of_valid_index] <;> try exact range
simp [getElem]
| inr hne => cases hi <;> contradiction
. rename_i invalid
cases List.eq_or_ne_mem_of_mem hi with
| inl heq =>
rw [getElem!_eq_getElem?_get!, getElem?_none_of_invalid_index]
. rfl
. rw [heq]; exact invalid
| inr h =>
rcases h with ⟨-, range⟩
split at hp
. exact ih hp range
. contradiction

theorem exists_assignment {B : ℕ} {indices : Vector F B} {tree : MerkleTree F poseidon₂ D} (ixesOk : ∀i ∈ indices, i.val < 2 ^ (D+1)):
∃items proofs postRoot, deletionRoundsSemantics indices items proofs tree (fun t => t = postRoot):= by
induction B generalizing tree with
| zero => simp [deletionRoundsSemantics]
| succ B ih =>
cases indices using Vector.casesOn with | cons i indices =>
simp [deletionRoundsSemantics, deletionRoundSemantics, ixesOk]
. have := ih (indices := indices) (tree := tree.setAtFin ⟨i.val, by assumption⟩ 0) (by
intro i hi
apply ixesOk
apply Vector.mem_of_mem_tail
exact hi
rcases this with ⟨items, proofs, postRoot, h⟩
rw [Vector.exists_succ_iff_exists_cons]
apply Exists.intro
exists items
rw [Vector.exists_succ_iff_exists_cons]
apply Exists.intro
exists proofs
exists postRoot
simp [←Vector.reverse_eq]
exact ⟨by rfl, by rfl, h⟩
. have := ih (indices := indices) (tree := tree) (by
intro i hi
apply ixesOk
apply Vector.mem_of_mem_tail
exact hi
rcases this with ⟨items, proofs, h⟩
exists (0 ::ᵥ items)
exists (Vector.replicate D 0 ::ᵥ proofs)

end Deletion

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