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Multi Wallet monitor for Autonomys - can use tmux and shows system stats too

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Wallet Monitor

This script monitors a set of wallets and notifies you of updates to your balance via Discord or Pushbullet.

It can also display wallet balances and system statistics in your tmux status bar.

Personally, I use it running in the background to send Discord notifications to a muted chan on my server I can take peeks at to keep an eye on things


  • Balance Monitoring: Keep track of multiple wallet addresses and detect balance changes.

  • Notifications: Receive alerts via Discord, Pushover, Telegram or Pushbullet when your wallet balances change.

  • System Statistics: Display CPU, memory usage, and GPU statistics.

  • tmux Integration: Seamlessly integrate with tmux to display information in the status bar.


  • Python 3.x
  • Python Packages:
    • substrate-interface
    • psutil
    • pyyaml
  • Utilities:
    • nvidia-smi (for GPU statistics)
    • tmux (optional, for status bar display)
  • Fonts:
    • Powerline-compatible font (for special symbols in tmux status bar)


1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd Autonomys-Wallet-Thingy

2. Install Python Dependencies

pip install substrate-interface psutil pyyaml

3. Configure config.yaml

Edit the config.yaml.example file in the project directory, edit settings then rename to config.yaml:

  • node_url: WebSocket URL of the blockchain node.
  • addresses: List of wallet addresses to monitor.
  • check_interval: Time interval (in seconds) between balance checks.
  • notifications: Provide credentials for notification services.

4a. Run the Script in Foreground

Start the wallet monitor:


If python points to Python 3 on your system, you can use:


4b. Run in the Background (Optional)

To run the script in the background:

  • Using screen:

    screen -dmS wallet_monitor python3
  • Using nohup:

    nohup python3 &
  • Using &:

    python3 &

5. Configure tmux (Optional)

If you are using tmux and want to display information in the status bar, edit your ~/.tmux.conf file:

# Enable 256 colors
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

# Set the status bar update interval
set -g status-interval 10

# Set the status bar style
set -g status-style bg=colour236,fg=white

# Remove default window status to prevent clutter
set -g window-status-format ''
set -g window-status-current-format ''

# Remove session/window titles to prevent ':bash' or ':python' suffixes
set-option -g set-titles off
set-option -g set-titles-string ''

# Disable status-right to avoid conflicts
set -g status-right ''

# Set a large length for the left section
set -g status-left-length 1000

# Define the left side of the status bar with colors and decorators
set -g status-left '#[bg=colour28,fg=white]⚡#[bg=colour28,fg=white] #(cat /tmp/tmux_status.txt) #[fg=colour28,bg=colour236]⚡'

# Align the status-left to the left
set -g status-justify left

Note: The decorative symbols require a Powerline-compatible font to display correctly.

Reload the tmux configuration:

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

6. Install Powerline Fonts (Optional)

If you plan to use the tmux status bar with decorative symbols:

  • Linux/macOS:

    git clone --depth=1
    cd fonts
  • Windows:


  • Monitoring: The script will monitor the specified wallet addresses and check for balance changes every check_interval seconds.
  • Notifications: You will receive notifications via the configured services when a balance change is detected.

Example tmux Status Bar Output

⚡ sue1...uPFY: 123.45678901 AI3 | CPU: 24.7% | GPU0: NVIDIA Ge... 1.42/8.00GB 45°C 11% ⚡
  • Wallet Balance: Displays the truncated wallet address and current balance.
  • System Stats: Alternates between CPU and memory usage.
  • GPU Stats: Shows GPU memory usage, temperature, and utilization.


  • Me: Special thanks to myself for being awesome, and so handsome


  • Python Version: Ensure you are using Python 3.x.
  • Dependencies: Make sure all Python dependencies are installed.
  • nvidia-smi Errors: If you encounter errors with nvidia-smi, ensure NVIDIA drivers are properly installed.
  • tmux Issues: If the status bar does not display correctly, verify your ~/.tmux.conf settings and reload the configuration.
  • Font Display: If decorative symbols do not appear correctly, make sure you have a Powerline-compatible font installed and set in your terminal emulator.


Multi Wallet monitor for Autonomys - can use tmux and shows system stats too




