Here is the source and writeup for the challenge "windowsland" in HITCON CTF 2018
the idea is exploiting safe-unlink with dangling pointer in windows user-mode heap
if anyone want to go through the technique directly, please see unlink_chunk.cpp
All of the string input did not terminate with NULL-byte during copy, such as human->name
, teacher->subject
, engineer->language
, doctor->hospital
, athlete->sport
When we edit engineer and input empty language, it will free(engineer->language)
However, it did not clean and left the dangling pointer.This lead to double-free and UAF (re-editable)
the following exploit assumption is under LFH-disabled.
the challengable part is bug2. there are two restriction for engineer->language
language = malloc(0x200+RANDOM&0xF0)
memcpy(language, input, 0x18)
These make the UAF becomes so hard to overlap/overwrite other structures percisely and reliably
obviously, you still can overwrite the flink/blink(ie. small chunk fd/bk on ptmalloc) of the freed engineer->language
is it possible to do the similar old trick under modern windows user-mode heap ?
demostrates one of the possibility
In order to achieve the reliable exploit, some heap grooming is neceaary at the beginning
There are two candidates, vector
for each type of human and engineer->language
is chosen due to its deterministic size
finally, human->name
is used to leak the old blink, which points to vector<engineer>
We compute the address of the danling pointer from the leaked vecotr<engineer>
Then, we can trigger the unlink.
engineer->language = &engineer->language
Now, we got arbitrary read/write
The remaining step is familiar, leak stack, ROP, read flag, ...
All detail is explained in
The success rate for the exploit is around 50%, some unreliable is from engineer->language
random size
The registry, MaxLoaderThreads
, is used to disable the windows 10 parallel loading feature, which makes the heap non-deterministic
There should be more than one solution, if yes please share :)