- 2019.06.13 完成初稿
- 2019.06.21 正式发布
- 参与翻译
- 帮忙校对,挑错别字、病句等等
- 提出修改建议
- 提出术语翻译建议
- 翻译排版格式要求参考 SwiftGG 排版指南
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- 相关术语请严格按照术语表来翻译,如果有问题可以发 Issue 大家一起讨论
- 使用 Markdown 进行翻译,文件名必须使用英文
- 翻译后的文档请放到 source 文件夹下的对应章节中,然后 Pull Request 即可,我们会用 GitBook 编译成网页
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Clarity at the point of use is your most important goal. Entities such as methods and properties are declared only once but used repeatedly. Design APIs to make those uses clear and concise. When evaluating a design, reading a declaration is seldom sufficient; always examine a use case to make sure it looks clear in context.
清晰的传达使用意图是最主要的目标。方法和属性这样的实体虽然只被声明了一次,但却会被重复调用。因此在设计 API 时,应尽可能保证这些实体的使用简单明了。当评估某个设计优劣时,只阅读其声明是不够的;还需要将其放在使用场景下,并结合上下文来检查其含义是否做到清晰明了。
Clarity is more important than brevity. Although Swift code can be compact, it is a non-goal to enable the smallest possible code with the fewest characters. Brevity in Swift code, where it occurs, is a side-effect of the strong type system and features that naturally reduce boilerplate.
传达清晰的意图比文字简洁更重要。尽管 Swift 代码可以写的十分小巧紧凑,但用最少的字符来书写代码并非 Swift 的设计本意。如果 Swift 代码看起来非常简洁,那只是强类型系统和各种特性带来的副作用,无形中减少了模板代码(boilerplate)的使用。
译者注:boilerplate 是指 boilerplate code, 详情请点击这里。
Write a documentation comment for every declaration. Insights gained by writing documentation can have a profound impact on your design, so don’t put it off.
If you are having trouble describing your API’s functionality in simple terms, you may have designed the wrong API.
如果无法用简单的术语来描述你设计的 API ,那么你很有可能在设计 API 上犯了错。
Use Swift’s dialect of Markdown.
使用 Swift 提供的 特别版 Markdown 语法。
Begin with a summary that describes the entity being declared. Often, an API can be completely understood from its declaration and its summary.
开头的摘要用来描述实体。通常情况下,阅读 API 的声明和摘要就可以完全理解其用途。
/// Returns a "view" of `self` containing the same elements in /// reverse order. func reversed() -> ReverseCollection
Focus on the summary; it’s the most important part. Many excellent documentation comments consist of nothing more than a great summary.
Use a single sentence fragment if possible, ending with a period. Do not use a complete sentence.
译者注:sentence fragment 是指能表达明确含义但从语法上并不完整的句子,详情请点击这里。
Describe what a function or method does and what it returns, omitting null effects and Void returns:
/// Inserts `newHead` at the beginning of `self`. mutating func prepend(_ newHead: Int) /// Returns a `List` containing `head` followed by the elements /// of `self`. func prepending(_ head: Element) -> List /// Removes and returns the first element of `self` if non-empty; /// returns `nil` otherwise. mutating func popFirst() -> Element?
Note: in rare cases like
above, the summary is formed of multiple sentence fragments separated by semicolons.注意:类似上面
这样极少数的情况,摘要应该用分号分割成多条语句。 -
Describe what a subscript accesses:
/// Accesses the `index`th element. subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get set }
Describe what an initializer creates:
/// Creates an instance containing `n` repetitions of `x`. init(count n: Int, repeatedElement x: Element)
For all other declarations, describe what the declared entity is.
对于其他 API 的声明,需要描述清楚声明的实体到底是什么。
/// A collection that supports equally efficient insertion/removal /// at any position. struct List { /// The element at the beginning of `self`, or `nil` if self is /// empty. var first: Element? ...
Optionally, continue with one or more paragraphs and bullet items. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines and use complete sentences.
/// Writes the textual representation of each ← Summary /// element of `items` to the standard output. /// ← Blank line /// The textual representation for each item `x` ← Additional discussion /// is generated by the expression `String(x)`. /// /// - Parameter separator: text to be printed ⎫ /// between items. ⎟ /// - Parameter terminator: text to be printed ⎬ Parameters section /// at the end. ⎟ /// ⎭ /// - Note: To print without a trailing ⎫ /// newline, pass `terminator: ""` ⎟ /// ⎬ Symbol commands /// - SeeAlso: `CustomDebugStringConvertible`, ⎟ /// `CustomStringConvertible`, `debugPrint`. ⎭ public func print( _ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n")
Use recognized symbol documentation markup elements to add information beyond the summary, whenever appropriate.
Know and use recognized bullet items with symbol command syntax. Popular development tools such as Xcode give special treatment to bullet items that start with the following keywords:
了解并使用符号命令语法做条目。像 Xcode 等主流开发工具为这些条目提供了特殊的处理,其关键词如下:
Include all the words needed to avoid ambiguity for a person reading code where the name is used.
For example, consider a method that removes the element at a given position within a collection.
👍👍👍 extension List { public mutating func remove(at position: Index) -> Element } employees.remove(at: x)
If we were to omit the word
from the method signature, it could imply to the reader that the method searches for and removes an element equal tox
, rather than usingx
to indicate the position of the element to remove.如果我们省略方法名中的
的元素。👎👎👎 employees.remove(x) // unclear: are we removing x?
Omit needless words. Every word in a name should convey salient information at the use site.
More words may be needed to clarify intent or disambiguate meaning, but those that are redundant with information the reader already possesses should be omitted. In particular, omit words that merely repeat type information.
👎👎👎 public mutating func removeElement(_ member: Element) -> Element? allViews.removeElement(cancelButton)
In this case, the word Element adds nothing salient at the call site. This API would be better:
在调用时没有提供任何有效的信息,API 修改成下面这样会更好。👍👍👍 public mutating func remove(_ member: Element) -> Element? allViews.remove(cancelButton) // clearer
Occasionally, repeating type information is necessary to avoid ambiguity, but in general it is better to use a word that describes a parameter’s role rather than its type. See the next item for details.
Name variables, parameters, and associated types according to their roles, rather than their type constraints.
👎👎👎 var string = "Hello" protocol ViewController { associatedtype ViewType : View } class ProductionLine { func restock(from widgetFactory: WidgetFactory) }
Repurposing a type name in this way fails to optimize clarity and expressivity. Instead, strive to choose a name that expresses the entity’s role.
👍👍👍 var greeting = "Hello" protocol ViewController { associatedtype ContentView : View } class ProductionLine { func restock(from supplier: WidgetFactory) }
If an associated type is so tightly bound to its protocol constraint that the protocol name is the role, avoid collision by appending Protocol to the protocol name:
如果关联类型(associated type)和遵循的协议命名冲突,可以在协议名后面加上
:protocol Sequence { associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol } protocol IteratorProtocol { ... }
Compensate for weak type information to clarify a parameter’s role.
Especially when a parameter type is
, or a fundamental type suchInt
, type information and context at the point of use may not fully convey intent. In this example, the declaration may be clear, but the use site is vague.当参数类型是
时,调用处的类型信息和上下文环境可能无法完全表明函数意图。在下面的例子中,它的声明看起来语义明确,但从调用者的角度来看,就显得不够清晰。👎👎👎 func add(_ observer: NSObject, for keyPath: String) grid.add(self, for: graphics) // vague
To restore clarity, precede each weakly typed parameter with a noun describing its role:
为了清晰的传达 API 本身的意图,可以在每个弱类型参数前加一个名词来描述它的作用。
👍👍👍 func addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, forKeyPath path: String) grid.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: graphics) // clear
Prefer method and function names that make use sites form grammatical English phrases.
👍👍👍 x.insert(y, at: z) “x, insert y at z” x.subViews(havingColor: y) “x's subviews having color y” x.capitalizingNouns() “x, capitalizing nouns”
👎👎👎 x.insert(y, position: z) x.subViews(color: y) x.nounCapitalize()
It is acceptable for fluency to degrade after the first argument or two when those arguments are not central to the call’s meaning:
为了使用起来更流畅,可以从第二个或者第三个参数开始降低命名要求,前提是这些参数不影响整个 API 的语义。
AudioUnit.instantiate( with: description, options: [.inProcess], completionHandler: stopProgressBar)
Begin names of factory methods with “make”, e.g.
. -
工厂方法的命名要以 make 开头,如:
。 -
The first argument to initializer and factory methods calls should not form a phrase starting with the base name, e.g.
x.makeWidget(cogCount: 47)
构造器和 工厂方法 的第一个参数命名不应该考虑方法名,应该独立命名,如:
x.makeWidget(cogCount: 47)
For example, the first arguments to these calls do not read as part of the same phrase as the base name:
👍👍👍 let foreground = Color(red: 32, green: 64, blue: 128) let newPart = factory.makeWidget(gears: 42, spindles: 14) let ref = Link(target: destination)
In the following, the API author has tried to create grammatical continuity with the first argument.
下面的例子中,API 作者试图将第一个参数名和方法名拼成连续的短语。
👎👎👎 let foreground = Color(havingRGBValuesRed: 32, green: 64, andBlue: 128) let newPart = factory.makeWidget(havingGearCount: 42, andSpindleCount: 14) let ref = Link(to: destination)
In practice, this guideline along with those for argument labels means the first argument will have a label unless the call is performing a value preserving type conversion.
在实际使用中,本规则和 实参标签 的相关规则组合起来,意味着第一个参数一般都会有标签,除非执行的是 值保留类型转换 操作。
let rgbForeground = RGBColor(cmykForeground)
Name functions and methods according to their side-effects
Those without side-effects should read as noun phrases, e.g.
x.distance(to: y)
. -
x.distance(to: y)
。 -
Those with side-effects should read as imperative verb phrases, e.g., print(x), x.sort(), x.append(y).
。 -
Name Mutating/nonmutating method pairs consistently. A mutating method will often have a nonmutating variant with similar semantics, but that returns a new value rather than updating an instance in-place.
When the operation is naturally described by a verb, use the verb’s imperative for the mutating method and apply the “ed” or “ing” suffix to name its nonmutating counterpart.
当一项操作恰好能够被一个动词描述时,使用动词原形为可变方法命名;使用动词的过去分词 (ed) 或现在分词 (ing) 为不可变方法命名。
Mutating Nonmutating x.sort() z = x.sorted() x.append(y) z = x.appending(y) -
Prefer to name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s past participle (usually appending “ed”):
命名不可变方法,最好使用过去分词(通常是增加后缀 “ed”):
/// Reverses `self` in-place. mutating func reverse() /// Returns a reversed copy of `self`. func reversed() -> Self ... x.reverse() let y = x.reversed()
When adding “ed” is not grammatical because the verb has a direct object, name the nonmutating variant using the verb’s present participle, by appending “ing.”
如果由于动词后面直接跟随一个对象,无法添加 “ed” 时,使用现在分词命名不可变方法,即后缀 “ing”。
/// Strips all the newlines from `self` mutating func stripNewlines() /// Returns a copy of `self` with all the newlines stripped. func strippingNewlines() -> String ... s.stripNewlines() let oneLine = t.strippingNewlines()
When the operation is naturally described by a noun, use the noun for the nonmutating method and apply the “form” prefix to name its mutating counterpart.
当一项操作恰好能够被一个名词描述时,使用名词本身为不可变方法命名;使用名词前加 “form” 的方式为可变方法命名。
Nonmutating Mutating x = y.union(z) y.formUnion(z) j = c.successor(i) c.formSuccessor(&i)
Uses of Boolean methods and properties should read as assertions about the receiver when the use is nonmutating, e.g.
. -
。 -
Protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns (e.g.
). -
)。 -
Protocols that describe a capability should be named using the suffixes
, oring
(e.g. Equatable, ProgressReporting). -
(例如,Equatable,ProgressReporting)。 -
The names of other types, properties, variables, and constants should read as nouns.
Term of Art
noun - a word or phrase that has a precise, specialized meaning within a particular field or profession.术语的艺术
Avoid obscure terms if a more common word conveys meaning just as well. Don’t say “epidermis” if “skin” will serve your purpose. Terms of art are an essential communication tool, but should only be used to capture crucial meaning that would otherwise be lost.
避免使用晦涩的术语,特别是在有一个常见词汇能够表达同样含义时。例如,如果 ”skin“ 能够满足表述需求,就不要使用 ”epidermis“。术语是重要的交流工具,但应该仅在其他表述方式会丢失关键意义时,才使用这些比较生僻的术语。
Stick to the established meaning if you do use a term of art.
The only reason to use a technical term rather than a more common word is that it precisely expresses something that would otherwise be ambiguous or unclear. Therefore, an API should use the term strictly in accordance with its accepted meaning.
使用术语而非常见词汇的唯一原因就是其能够准确表述事物,否则含义便会模糊,甚至造成歧义。因此,API 应该严格按照既定含义使用术语。
Don’t surprise an expert: anyone already familiar with the term will be surprised and probably angered if we appear to have invented a new meaning for it.
别吓着专家:如果对某个术语十分熟悉的人发现 API 设计者为该术语发明了新的含义。他们可能会感到惊讶甚至愤怒。
Don’t confuse a beginner: anyone trying to learn the term is likely to do a web search and find its traditional meaning.
Avoid abbreviations. Abbreviations, especially non-standard ones, are effectively terms-of-art, because understanding depends on correctly translating them into their non-abbreviated forms.
The intended meaning for any abbreviation you use should be easily found by a web search.
API 中使用到的缩写,其含义必须能够在互联网上轻松找到。
Embrace precedent. Don’t optimize terms for the total beginner at the expense of conformance to existing culture.
It is better to name a contiguous data structure
than to use a simplified term such asList
, even though a beginner might grasp of the meaning ofList
more easily. Arrays are fundamental in modern computing, so every programmer knows—or will soon learn—what an array is. Use a term that most programmers are familiar with, and their web searches and questions will be rewarded.例如,最好将一个连续的数据结构命名为
,虽然对于新手来说,后者的含义更容易掌握。数组是现代计算机科学的基础数据结构,所以每个程序员都知道——或者很快就能理解——什么是数组。使用大多数程序员所熟悉的术语,这样,即便有问题,互联网和其他人也能够提供帮助。Within a particular programming domain, such as mathematics, a widely precedented term such as
is preferable to an explanatory phrase such asverticalPositionOnUnitCircleAtOriginOfEndOfRadiusWithAngle(x)
. Note that in this case, precedent outweighs the guideline to avoid abbreviations: although the complete word is sine, “sin(x)” has been in common use among programmers for decades, and among mathematicians for centuries.在某些特定的编程领域,例如数学, 诸如
,但 ”sin(x)
“ 已经被程序员使用了数十年,在数学中更是数百年。
Document the complexity of any computed property that is not O(1). People often assume that property access involves no significant computation, because they have stored properties as a mental model. Be sure to alert them when that assumption may be violated.
对于复杂度不是 O(1) 的计算型属性,要通过注释特别说明 。人们总是认为属性访问不牵扯大量计算,因为在人类的心智模型里会潜意识的认为当前访问的只是一个存储型属性。当这个假设被打破时,有必要提醒他们。
mental model 是指心智模型,可以通俗的理解为人们的思考方式或者思维过程,详情请点击这里
Prefer methods and properties to free functions. Free functions are used only in special cases:
译者注:free function 在这里翻译为全局函数,详情请点击这里
- When there’s no obvious self:
min(x, y, z)
- When the function is an unconstrained generic:
- When function syntax is part of the established domain notation:
Follow case conventions. Names of types and protocols are
. Everything else islowerCamelCase
. -
。Acronyms and initialisms that commonly appear as all upper case in American English should be uniformly up- or down-cased according to case conventions:
对于那些在美语中全部以大写的形式出现的 首字母缩写,要根据大小写惯例统一大写或小写:
var utf8Bytes: [UTF8.CodeUnit] var isRepresentableAsASCII = true var userSMTPServer: SecureSMTPServer
Other acronyms should be treated as ordinary words:
var radarDetector: RadarScanner var enjoysScubaDiving = true
Methods can share a base name when they share the same basic meaning or when they operate in distinct domains.
For example, the following is encouraged, since the methods do essentially the same things:
👍👍👍 extension Shape { /// Returns `true` iff `other` is within the area of `self`. func contains(_ other: Point) -> Bool { ... } /// Returns `true` iff `other` is entirely within the area of `self`. func contains(_ other: Shape) -> Bool { ... } /// Returns `true` iff `other` is within the area of `self`. func contains(_ other: LineSegment) -> Bool { ... } }
And since geometric types and collections are separate domains, this is also fine in the same program:
👍👍👍 extension Collection where Element : Equatable { /// Returns `true` iff `self` contains an element equal to /// `sought`. func contains(_ sought: Element) -> Bool { ... } }
However, these
methods have different semantics, and should have been named differently:然而,下面的
方法含义各不相同,应区别命名:👎👎👎 extension Database { /// Rebuilds the database's search index func index() { ... } /// Returns the `n`th row in the given table. func index(_ n: Int, inTable: TableID) -> TableRow { ... } }
Lastly, avoid “overloading on return type” because it causes ambiguities in the presence of type inference.
译者注:overloading on return type 在这里翻译为重载返回类型,详情请点击这里。
👎👎👎 extension Box { /// Returns the `Int` stored in `self`, if any, and /// `nil` otherwise. func value() -> Int? { ... } /// Returns the `String` stored in `self`, if any, and /// `nil` otherwise. func value() -> String? { ... } }
func move(from start: Point, to end: Point)
Choose parameter names to serve documentation. Even though parameter names do not appear at a function or method’s point of use, they play an important explanatory role.
Choose these names to make documentation easy to read. For example, these names make documentation read naturally:
👍👍👍 /// Return an `Array` containing the elements of `self` /// that satisfy `predicate`. func filter(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> [Generator.Element] /// Replace the given `subRange` of elements with `newElements`. mutating func replaceRange(_ subRange: Range, with newElements: [E])
These, however, make the documentation awkward and ungrammatical:
👎👎👎 /// Return an `Array` containing the elements of `self` /// that satisfy `includedInResult`. func filter(_ includedInResult: (Element) -> Bool) -> [Generator.Element] /// Replace the range of elements indicated by `r` with /// the contents of `with`. mutating func replaceRange(_ r: Range, with: [E])
Take advantage of defaulted parameters when it simplifies common uses. Any parameter with a single commonly-used value is a candidate for a default.
Default arguments improve readability by hiding irrelevant information. For example:
通过隐藏无关信息并提供默认参数的方式,可以提升 API 可读性。例如:
👎👎👎 let order = lastName.compare( royalFamilyName, options: [], range: nil, locale: nil)
can become the much simpler:
👍👍👍 let order = lastName.compare(royalFamilyName)
Default arguments are generally preferable to the use of method families, because they impose a lower cognitive burden on anyone trying to understand the API.
默认参数通常适用于一组类似的方法,这样可以降低理解 API 的认知负担。
👍👍👍 extension String { /// ...description... public func compare( _ other: String, options: CompareOptions = [], range: Range? = nil, locale: Locale? = nil ) -> Ordering }
The above may not be simple, but it is much simpler than:
👎👎👎 extension String { /// ...description 1... public func compare(_ other: String) -> Ordering /// ...description 2... public func compare(_ other: String, options: CompareOptions) -> Ordering /// ...description 3... public func compare( _ other: String, options: CompareOptions, range: Range) -> Ordering /// ...description 4... public func compare( _ other: String, options: StringCompareOptions, range: Range, locale: Locale) -> Ordering }
Every member of a method family needs to be separately documented and understood by users. To decide among them, a user needs to understand all of them, and occasional surprising relationships—for example,
foo(bar: nil)
aren’t always synonyms—make this a tedious process of ferreting out minor differences in mostly identical documentation. Using a single method with defaults provides a vastly superior programmer experience.每个方法都要分开注释;为了选择使用哪一个,用户必须全部理解,并搞清它们之间的关系。有时,这些关系让人感到诧异,例如
foo(bar: nil)
的作用并不总是相同——这种在文档中寻找细微区别的工作是让人厌恶的。利用默认参数,将这些类似的方法简化为一个方法,会极大提升用户体验。 -
Prefer to locate parameters with defaults toward the end of the parameter list. Parameters without defaults are usually more essential to the semantics of a method, and provide a stable initial pattern of use where methods are invoked.
func move(from start: Point, to end: Point)
x.move(from: x, to: y)
Omit all labels when arguments can’t be usefully distinguished, e.g.
min(number1, number2), zip(sequence1, sequence2).
min(number1, number2)
,zip(sequence1, sequence2)
。 -
In initializers that perform value preserving type conversions, omit the first argument label, e.g.
。The first argument should always be the source of the conversion.
extension String { // Convert `x` into its textual representation in the given radix init(_ x: BigInt, radix: Int = 10) ← Note the initial underscore } text = "The value is: " text += String(veryLargeNumber) text += " and in hexadecimal, it's" text += String(veryLargeNumber, radix: 16)
In “narrowing” type conversions, though, a label that describes the narrowing is recommended.
译者注:此处将 narrowing type conversions 翻译为值省略类型转换,详情请点击这里
extension UInt32 { /// Creates an instance having the specified `value`. init(_ value: Int16) ← Widening, so no label /// Creates an instance having the lowest 32 bits of `source`. init(truncating source: UInt64) /// Creates an instance having the nearest representable /// approximation of `valueToApproximate`. init(saturating valueToApproximate: UInt64) }
A value preserving type conversion is a monomorphism, i.e. every difference in the value of the source results in a difference in the value of the result. For example, conversion from Int8 to Int64 is value preserving because every distinct Int8 value is converted to a distinct Int64 value. Conversion in the other direction, however, cannot be value preserving: Int64 has more possible values than can be represented in an Int8.
值保留类型转换是 单态,即一个值对应一个结果。例如,将一个
多得多。Note: the ability to retrieve the original value has no bearing on whether a conversion is value preserving.
When the first argument forms part of a
prepositional phrase
, give it an argument label. The argument label should normally begin at the preposition, e.g.x.removeBoxes(havingLength: 12)
. -
如果第一个参数参与组成 介词短语,则需要使用实参标签。实参标签一般起 介词 的作用。例如,
x.removeBoxed(havingLength: 12)
。An exception arises when the first two arguments represent parts of a single abstraction.
👎👎👎 a.move(toX: b, y: c) a.fade(fromRed: b, green: c, blue: d)
In such cases, begin the argument label after the preposition, to keep the abstraction clear.
👍👍👍 a.moveTo(x: b, y: c) a.fadeFrom(red: b, green: c, blue: d)
Otherwise, if the first argument forms part of a grammatical phrase, omit its label, appending any preceding words to the base name, e.g.
。This guideline implies that if the first argument doesn’t form part of a grammatical phrase, it should have a label.
👍👍👍 view.dismiss(animated: false) let text = words.split(maxSplits: 12) let studentsByName = students.sorted(isOrderedBefore: Student.namePrecedes)
Note that it’s important that the phrase convey the correct meaning. The following would be grammatical but would express the wrong thing.
👎👎👎 view.dismiss(false) Don't dismiss? Dismiss a Bool? words.split(12) Split the number 12?
Note also that arguments with default values can be omitted, and in that case do not form part of a grammatical phrase, so they should always have labels.
Label all other arguments.
Label tuple members and name closure parameters where they appear in your API.
如果 API 使用使用了闭包和元组,则为闭包参数和元组成员添加标签。
These names have explanatory power, can be referenced from documentation comments, and provide expressive access to tuple members.
/// Ensure that we hold uniquely-referenced storage for at least /// `requestedCapacity` elements. /// /// If more storage is needed, `allocate` is called with /// `byteCount` equal to the number of maximally-aligned /// bytes to allocate. /// /// - Returns: /// - reallocated: `true` iff a new block of memory /// was allocated. /// - capacityChanged: `true` iff `capacity` was updated. mutating func ensureUniqueStorage( minimumCapacity requestedCapacity: Int, allocate: (_ byteCount: Int) -> UnsafePointer<Void> ) -> (reallocated: Bool, capacityChanged: Bool)
Names used for closure parameters should be chosen like parameter names for top-level functions. Labels for closure arguments that appear at the call site are not supported.
Take extra care with unconstrained polymorphism (e.g.
, and unconstrained generic parameters) to avoid ambiguities in overload sets. -
及不受限的范型参数)在重载时产生的歧义。For example, consider this overload set:
👎👎👎 struct Array { /// Inserts `newElement` at `self.endIndex`. public mutating func append(_ newElement: Element) /// Inserts the contents of `newElements`, in order, at /// `self.endIndex`. public mutating func append(_ newElements: S) where S.Generator.Element == Element }
These methods form a semantic family, and the argument types appear at first to be sharply distinct. However, when
, a single element can have the same type as a sequence of elements.这些方法从语义上构成一个方法族,参数的类型乍一看也有很大区别。但是,如果
的话,那么这两个方法的参数类型就可能重复了。👎👎👎 var values: [Any] = [1, "a"] values.append([2, 3, 4]) // [1, "a", [2, 3, 4]] or [1, "a", 2, 3, 4]?
To eliminate the ambiguity, name the second overload more explicitly.
👍👍👍 struct Array { /// Inserts `newElement` at `self.endIndex`. public mutating func append(_ newElement: Element) /// Inserts the contents of `newElements`, in order, at /// `self.endIndex`. public mutating func append(contentsOf newElements: S) where S.Generator.Element == Element }
Notice how the new name better matches the documentation comment. In this case, the act of writing the documentation comment actually brought the issue to the API author’s attention.
可以看到,新名字能更好的对应文档注释。这种情况下,写注释其实能让 API 设计者注意到潜在的问题。