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Compile the module as a dynamic module

winshining edited this page Aug 29, 2018 · 5 revisions


Nginx version must be equal to or greater than 1.9.11.


cd to NGINX source directory & run this:

./configure --add-dynamic-module=/path/to/nginx-http-flv-module
make install

The name of dynamic module

Load the dynamic module

Nginx uses load_module command to load the dynamic modules and it must be located before some directives, in the default conf file that Nginx provides, it must be located before events directive.
Load command:

load_module modules/;

In the above command, both absolute and relative directory are OK, the modules directory is where the module located in, the default value is /usr/local/nginx/modules. However, if a customized directory is specified when configure is executed, the directory will be located in where the configure specified.

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