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Wildfish Sphinx Theme

This Sphinx theme is a fork of the official Read the Docs theme, which adds:

  • Wildfish colour scheme
  • Support for balanced full-width tables
  • Support for strikethroughs with :strike:`content`
  • Support multiple sidebars
  • Minor spacing enhancements
  • Adds optional Wildfish logo to sidebar

Using in docs


pip install -e

Add to

import sphinx_wildfish_theme
extensions = [
html_theme = "sphinx_wildfish_theme"

Optional settings for

html_theme_options = {
  "display_wildfish_logo": False,
  "wildfish_logo_text": "A project by",


  1. Check out the project from git

  2. Update as above, but add:

    html_theme_path = ["/path/to/sphinx_wildfish_theme"]
  3. Watch static and open the demo site in a browser:

    nvm install
    nvm use
    npm run dev

The upstream project does not currently use black, so take care to not apply auto-formatting to files which originate upstream.

Releasing a new version

  1. Build static:

    npm run build
  2. Update the fork number in the version string in and sphinx_wildfish_theme/

  3. Commit and push to master.

This project is not on pypi.

Merging from upstream

  1. Pull into new branch:

    git remote add upstream
    git fetch upstream
    git checkout master
    git pull
    git checkout -b merge-upstream
    git merge upstream/master
  2. Resolve any conflicts (ignoring sphinx_wildfish_theme/static - we'll rebuild that). In particular, check for changes in these files:

    • README.rst - keep our version
    • setup.*, - check for new sphinx_rtd_theme
    • - update version (add .fork0 to upstream)
    • sphinx_wildfish_theme/ - update version and check theme name is sphinx_wildfish_theme
    • src/sass/theme.sass - make sure theme_variables is followed by wildfish_variables and wildfish_styles is at the bottom
    • sphinx_rtd_theme/* - move files over to sphinx_wildfish_theme

    Test with:

    npm install
    npm run dev
  3. Rebuild and push:

    npm run build
    git add .
    git commit
    git checkout master
    git merge merge-upstream
    git branch -d merge-upstream
    git push

More information

See original documentation for: