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A distributed, eventually-consistent, implementation of MAP-Elites written in Erlang


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Meridian is a distributed, eventually-consistent, variant of the MAP-Elites algorithm. It is implemented in Erlang as an OTP application and contains a library for implementing instances of MAP-Elites on continuous and binary genomes.


MAP-Elites is an algorithm for mapping the "performance" of a genome that describes the solution to a problem according to the phenotypic descriptors of the genome. This is a bad description - The draft paper is here ( read that instead.


MAP-Elites has been used effectively in a number of situations. One of the most interesting applications of a variant to the algorithm has been to allow robots to adapt to physical damage and continue to perform their task (Antoine Cully et al. 2015. Robots that can adapt like animals. Nature 521. pp 503-507).

Inspired by this variation/application of the MAP-Elites algorithm, I propose an eventually-consistent version of MAP-Elites that can be distributed across an autonomous robotic swarm and used to dynamically adapt to changes in the task environment (*cough - wild speculation - cough*). Phenotypes that are discovered to perform well (or poorly) by one robot will eventually propigate to other robots through an anti-entropy protocol. This repository contains a proof-of-concept implementation that is by no means ready to be run on a robot, but demonstrates the basic idea and can be used to test ... stuff.

The implementation here can also be used just like the basic MAP-Elites algorithm, although it has not been fully tested to see whether it is as effective. I think it probably might be, but that still needs to be verified as eventual consistency is a significant departure from the version of the algorithm presented in the original paper.

Description of The Current Version

MapElites is defined as an behavior. Users define a callback module with the following behavior


that implements all of the required callbacks described below. The following types are defined for use by the callbacks.

-type genotype()  :: term().
-type phenotype() :: {genotype(), term()}.


The first callback generates and returns a random genotype.

-callback init() -> genotype().

The evaluate callback should compute the fitness of a genotype and return a phenotype which is a pair consisting of the genotype itself and an arbitrary term. The additional term should generally include the fitness of the genotype and any other information that is computed as part of analyzing the genotype, for example the behavior description.

-callback evaluate(Genome :: genotype()) -> {ok, phenotype()}.

The mutate callback takes a genotype and applies a mutation operation to it, returning the mutated genotype.

-callback mutate(Genome :: genotype()) -> genotype().

The compare callback compares two phenotypes according to their fitness. This function may be called frequently, so it should be as efficient as possible. Any relevant information that is expensive to compute can/should be cached in the phenotype by the evaluate function.

-callback compare(A :: phenotype(), B :: phenotype()) -> boolean().

Returns the "fitness" of a phenotype (in the current varsion this is unused; however, it will be used for vizualization and logging code hopefully in the near future).

-callback objective(phenotype()) -> float().

Returns the behavior specification of the phenotype. Elenent n in the list returned must fall within the range specified by element n of the list returned by to_behavior/0 (according to this relation, Min <= behavior[n] <= Max).

-callback to_behavior(phenotype()) -> list(float()).

Returns the definition of the behavior space. A behavior space is defined by a list of tupples of floats. The tupples {Min, Max} should satisfy the property that Min < Max, if they do not then you are on your own and the behavior of everything is undefined.

-callback behavior_space() -> list({float(), float()}).

The Meridian Application

Meridian is implemented as an OTP Application. Once it is started instances of MAP-Elites can be started under the meridian supervision tree. An instance of MAP-Elites has is named; no two instances may share the same name on the same node. Each instance of MAP-Elites starts the meridian server (an OTP gen_server) and registers it as the name provided by the user who starts it. The meridian server starts a supervisor for its worker processes and starts the worker processes which are responsible for evaluating genotypes.

The current implementation requires an administrator to set up connections between all nodes (for example using net_kernel:connect_node/1) running an instance of the same MAP-Elites problem (instances are considered the same if the share the same name. Do not use thesame name for unrelated instance on nodes that will ever be connected if you do, they will attempt to merge their data and undefined behavior will ensue hopefully both servers will crash, but this is not guaranteed). Data is merged between all instances of MAP-Elites with the same name on different nodes so long as those nodes are connected. An instance of MAP-Elites is started with the function

meridian:start_mapelites(Name, Options)

The options are summarized below.

Meridian Options

When an instance of MAP-Elites is started the following options can be passed to the server. With the exception of callback_module all are optional.

Option Description default
callback_module the module implementing the map_elites behavior (required - no default)
num_seeds the number of random phenotypes to seed the archive 5
granularity the granularity of the archive 256
num_iterations the number of iterations 5000
num_workers the number of worker processes for evaluating genomes 1
merge_frequency the number of iterations between merge attempts 10
num_merge_partners the maximum number of nodes to attempt to merge with 2

num_merge_partners is not implemented as an option yet. The default value is used


Erlang/OTP version 18.


Meridian is built with rebar3 (

$ rebar3 compile

Running MAPElites

To get a shell with the library in the path do the following:

$ rebar3 shell --sname bob

To run a mapelites problem the meridian application must be started.

(bob@localhost)1> application:start(meridian).

Once the meridian application is started an instance of MAPElites can be started by calling meridian:start_mapelites/2 with the name of the problem and the options as described above.

(bob@localhost)2> meridian:start_mapelites(big_knapsack, 
                                           [{callback_module, big_knapsack}]).

The program will run to completion and print a report when it is finished indicating the top 10 phenotypes.


Examples of modules using the map_elites behavior are included in the examples folder. None of these are particularly good example of MAP-Elites... those are forthcoming.

Future Improvements

  • Web interface (or some other kind of interface) to observe instances of MAPElites as they run.
  • Run continuously without stopping
  • Optional progress logging


A distributed, eventually-consistent, implementation of MAP-Elites written in Erlang







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