This extension provides the ability to lock concurrent requests to a Payum gateway (for example when the PSP send both a notify action and a traditional capture action in the same moment). It uses Symfony Lock Component to provide a simple and reliable locking mechanism.
composer require webgriffe/payum-lock-request-extension
// Use your preferred \Symfony\Component\Lock\PersistingStoreInterface implementation
$persistingStore = new Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\SemaphoreStore();
$lockFactory = new \Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory($persistingStore);
$lockRequestExtension = new \Webgriffe\PayumLockRequestExtension\LockRequestExtension(
'my_lock_prefix', // Optional, default value is 'webgriffe_payum_lock_request_extension'
30.0, // Optional, default value is 30.0
true // Optional, default value is true
/** @var \Payum\Core\Gateway $gateway */
// here the extension will be called to wrap the execute acton in a lock
$gateway->execute(new FooRequest);
The extension can be configured with the following options:
- Lock prefix: to ensure lock key is unique, default is
. - Lock TTL: the maximum time in seconds that a lock can be hold, default is
. - Lock autorelease: release the lock or not when the lock instance is destroyed, default is