Simple package to convert markdown files to PDF in laravel.
- Laravel > 5.5
Install the package with composer:
composer require 'wappla/laravel-markdown-to-pdf'
This packages uses the auto discovery feature of laravel. So there is no need to register the service provider or alias.
Create a blade view and add the markdown to pdf component. Between the component element you can start writing markdown.
Below i created a simple example.blade.php :
# Hello
return \MarkdownToPDF::loadView('example')->stream();
The standard directory for loading views is resources/views. No need to add the blade.php extension. If you would like to specify a custom directory you can use the dot notation.
return \MarkdownToPDF::loadView('custom-directory.example')->stream();
Specifiy a custom filename or leave blank to save your pdf in storage.
return \MarkdownToPDF::loadView('example')->save('awesome-file.pdf');
The pdf will be stored based on your Laravel filesystem configuration. If you would like to specify a custom location you can create your own disk and add a second parameter to the save method.
The below example stores the pdf file on the public disk:
return \MarkdownToPDF::loadView('example')->save('awesome-file.pdf', 'public');
Use the standard php artisan vendor:publish
laravel command an select the correct number or be more specific:
To publish all the configuration and views:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wappla\LaravelMarkdownToPDF\MarkdownToPDFServiceProvider"
Only publish views:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="markdown-to-pdf-views"
Only publish config:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="markdown-to-pdf-config"