a wiki system
史上最轻量级的WIKI系统,能读,能搜,足矣。 所以,告诉我你的markdown文件夹,给我一个数据库,不到一分钟还给你一个清清爽爽、阅读体验极佳的wiki系统。
- watch folder, auto scan the actions: addfile,adddir,changefile,deletefile,delete dir
- easy read, easy to read, easy to index,easy to search
debug this app need to install yog2 and fis
npm i fis -g
npm i yog2 -g
- modify markdown root dir '/base/conf/plugins/filescan.js'
- modify mysql conf '/base/conf/plugins/knex.js'
- start runtime:
# terminal 1
cd base
npm i ## first time,install the dependencies
yog2 run
# terminal 2
cd home
npm run dev
- preview wiki,for example:
write issue!write issue!!write issue!!!