Little functions that might be useful
File name | Description |
cpuidle.c | Print CPU idle percentage every 2 seconds |
cpu_usage_curve.c | Controls the system task manager CPU usage curve |
dec2hex.c | Convert a decimal integer to hex format |
devrandom.c | Generate random number from /dev/random | | Forward http requests |
file_size.cpp | Determine size of a given file in bytes. If the given file is a symbolic link, it gives the size of the real file, not the symbolic link |
list.h | Template functions for creating and traversing lists |
local_date_time.c | Print current date time in the form of YYYYMMDDhhmmss (example: 20201110165743) |
mem_usage.cpp | Get memory usage of current process |
pretty_print_binary_tree.cpp | Pretty print a binary tree |
shared_ptr.cpp | Various std::shared_ptr<> test cases (to help understanding the ownership transit process) |