npm install anujs
A mini React-like framework that is extremely compatible with React16。 QQ group: 370262116
- Support various new features of React16, Fragment, componentDidCatch, creactContext, createRef, forwardRef...
- The size is very small (only 3000 lines, gzip only 13kb, one third of React+ReactDOM)
- Pass more than 700 official unit tests (other mini libraries can not run the official test)
- Share the huge ecology of React(React-router-dom, react-router-redux, react-lazy-load, react-hot-loader...)
- Supports 99% antd components (
is an enterprise-class UI components in China). - Excellent browser compatibility, easy to handle all kinds of business under IE6-8.
- It comes with a painless state manager Rematch and a handy router Reach.
resolve: {
alias: {
'react': 'anujs',
'react-dom': 'anujs',
// For compatibility with IE please use the following configuration
// 'react': 'anujs/dist/ReactIE',
// 'react-dom': 'anujs/dist/ReactIE',
// 'redux': 'anujs/lib/ReduxIE', /// This is mainly for IE6-8, because of the poor performance of the isPlainObject method in the official source code.
// If you reference prop-types or create-react-class
// Need to add the following alias
'prop-types': 'anujs/lib/ReactPropTypes',
'create-react-class': 'anujs/lib/createClass'
// If you use the onTouchTap event on the mobile side
'react-tap-event-plugin': 'anujs/lib/injectTapEventPlugin',
npm test