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Meeting 2017 09 13

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Sep 13, 2017 · 2 revisions

Meeting: Wed 13 September, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

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  • Data Standards
  • Conference



  • Martin
  • Andy R.
  • Andy W.
  • Maxim
  • Nicolas
  • Chiheb

Data formats

  • [Andy showing the example of IAAF World Championships on]

  • Andy: We are working on exporting all information in JSON and XLS formats.

  • … Working still on the Excel format. JSON is already available.

  • … A specific section about ‘downloads’

  • … Several tabs depending on the event structure.

  • … More metadata to be included.

  • … This is our first approach.

  • … It is required this schema

  • Maxim: I see this as a good tool for export. Importing could be challenging.

  • Andy: What do you see difficult here?

  • Maxim: The Wind.

  • … Do you recognise column names or order?

  • Andy: We are used to using this kind of formats to manage data every week.

  • Martin: I like this approach.

  • … I think import is tricky with all this complex model.

  • … Blank templates should be provided.

  • Martin: I’ll review the work done, as soon as you share the link with a stable version.

  • Andy: We discussed with Nicolas about the status of results.

  • Martin: I’ll have a look at it. Thanks

  • [Andy showing nice visualisations]

  • [Discussion on how to represent data of athletes along with the results]

  • [Also to standardise splits]

  • Nicolas: We should solve the 'country code’ issue. ISO, IOC, etc.

  • Martin: My proposal:

  • … A different code, with multilingual representation, and with the problem of persistence.

  • I know, it’s difficult to convince people to start using a new code.

  • Martin: What about offering them to use any code if there are no coincidences.

  • Andy: I found an example of coincidence.

  • Maxim: What is the status of the standard?

  • Martin: It’s on stand by, but I’ll work on it before the f2f meeting.

  • Martin: We can publish the main version of the Linked Data version and another version of the vocabulary in JSON (Andy’s version). After that, I could build a conversion tool JSON->JSON-LD.

  • [Discussion about the conference]

  • Next meeting, next week, same time.

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