This is a customized example from darknet for C++ in objects recognition in minimal configuration (without any dependency from the original repo ).
Run on embedded boards like Jetson Nano for create a secured camera ( human detector )
- System detect human correctly
- User can Enable/Disable detection by pose estimation or commands
- System support configuring a part in an entire frame for detection (rectangle)
- Developer can change parameters( threshold, notifying APIs, hardware, ..) via exported APIs
- System can monitor its hardware status (temperature, load) to reporting, prevent overload.
- Logging interval, when system met error it will report
- System export notifying about detection result
- System save changed configuration from User, still effect event if it is rebooted
- System don't spam notifying
- Software still work on other hardware which adapt requirements
- System will support register events when a new subscriber is created(dynamically IP) like buzzer, discord bot,...
- User can support detect multiple source at same time.
- System support some commands like take a picture, get current hardware status
Some main classes used :
- JsonConfig : Handle read config file in JSON format used in parsing json request from interface classes
- spdLogger: Logger Libraries wrapper
- JetsonNano: handle hardware request & monitoring
- Notifier: algorithms to filter the detected results and decided to notity or not
- CrowServer: handle/create HTTP requests from outside of this app (localhost)
Steps from getting a frame to decide notify or not :
Tested on Jetson nano 2GB.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/vuhailongkl97/iot.git
cd iot
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DIMAGE_DBG=1 .. && make
In development:
Run static analysis with clang-tidy. It required clang-tidy installed ( sudo apt install clang-tidy )
cmake -DRUN_CLANG_TIDY=y .. && make
follow config.json
"BoardName": "JetsonNano",
"CfgFile": "yolov4-tiny.cfg", // < path to > iot/darknet-deps/cfg/yolov4-tiny.cfg
"CorrectRate": 0.9,
"Delay4CAP": 20, // if your board too overload by high Frames speed from source -> increase this to reduce captured Frames;
"NameFile": "coco.names",
"NotifyAPI": [ // after it have a result -> notify by create a HTTP request with **NotifyAPI** (also see below)
"Port": 18080, // Port for this app to change parameter dynamically
"QUEUE_ENTRY_LIMIT_MIN": 15, // Use a queue whose size is 15 to save all Frames in TIME_FORCUS miliseconds
"Src": "rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=4&subtype=1",
"Status": false, // mean in working, is true mean disable
"TIME_FORCUS": 100, // All Frames in 100ms are person will be consider to be a correct result
"TIME_SKIP": 20, // After have detected result -> SKIP in next 20 secs
"Threshold": 0.8999999761581421,
"WeightFile": "yolov4-tiny.weights" // < path to > iot/darknet-deps/data/yolov4-tiny.weights
- 1. Testing stability
- Debugging via reporting results
- Aging
- Correctness
2. Develop notifying via HTTP requests
support monitor multiple sources at a same time.
- OS information
Linux jetson 4.9.140-tegra #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 16 12:32:46 PDT 2020 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
- Install vino VNC follow
- Use vncviewer on your host in development
- Ubuntu
sudo apt install xtightvncviewer -y
- Ubuntu
- Try to adjust your frame to fit with trained data set (416x416) in case of using yolov4-tiny.weights
Create Post request to the computer which is running detection with content like below
"BoardName": "JetsonNano",
"CfgFile": "yolov4-tiny.cfg",
"CorrectRate": 0.9,
"Delay4CAP": 20,
"NameFile": "coco.names",
"NotifyAPI": [
"Port": 18080,
"Src": "rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=4&subtype=1",
"Status": false,
"TIME_FORCUS": 1000,
"TIME_SKIP": 20,
"Threshold": 0.9,
"WeightFile": "yolov4-tiny.weights"
1. save the configuration to a file *data.cfg*
2. /usr/bin/curl http://localhost:18080/config -X POST [email protected]
When the program got a result frame it will create a post request to list of "NotifyAPI" as requested in Update configuration above
POST to `http://localhost:1234/updated" contents in JSON format
"key":"a message may be a error report"
"key":"<path to the detected frame saved in the img_path as a file>"
// due to currently I use consumers on localhost itself therefor I just pass path to the image, when implement on other machine it should be updated.
To make the app run as a service in your Linux system:
follow this, and my config