This script can be used for customizing Raspberry Pi OS Lite to be used as kiosk even without mouse or keyboard. If your webpage requires login you can use chromium addon called Auto Login.
You can use official Raspberry software called rpi-imager, dd command or any other (Rufus, ...).
- Insert MicroSD card to your computer
- Select operating system - Raspbery Pi OS Lite (32-bit)
- Select storage - Your MicroSD card
- Write image
- Insert MicroSD card to your computer
- Open terminal and then copy and modify this command
sudo dd bs=4M if=<image-location> of=/dev/<device (for example: sde)>
- Open software called gparted (or any other) and in the menubar on top on the right side dropdown select the MicroSD card
- Right click the second partition with label rootfs and select Resize/Move
- Drag the right arrow to the end of the bar or enter the Maximum size value to New size
- Click on Resize/Move button
- Click on checkmark or go to edit Edit and then Apply All Operations to apply changes
- Open terminal in boot partition of the MicroSD card
- Type
touch ssh
to create file called ssh, this automatically enables ssh
- Ssh to raspberry devide using ssh command
ssh pi@<ip-address>
, the defauld password israspberry
, and typeyes
to accept fingerprint - Execute
to change default password - Install git
sudo apt install -y git
- Clone raspbian-kiosk repository with
git clone
- Change directory to ~/raspbian-kiosk
cd raspbian-kiosk
- Now is great time to modify scripts (change plymouth splash screen image, change chromium url, ...)
- And finally, we are ready to execute last step - running the script