Welcome to my study repository. This repository will be updated with the infos, links and codes that I use in my study journey. It will focus mainly in Algorithms, Android and KMP. All the code is written in Kotlin (but it can change in the future if I change my mind hehehe). I hope it can be as useful to you as it is to me :)
This section has a list of references used to study the theory of Algorithms, Android and KMP development
- Book "Cracking the coding interview"
- Top 10 Algorithms in Interview Questions
- KDN251 Interviews repository
- Euclidean Algorithm Video Explanation (Greatest Common Divisor)
- Euclidean Algorithm Text Explanation (Greatest Common Divisor)
- Breadth First Search Algorithm
- Depth First Search Algorithm
- Dijkstra Algorithm
- Philipp Lackner Result handling example
- Setup Room Database
- Content Edge-to-edge
- Content Edge-to-edge Compose
- Testing with Mockk
- Build app from command line
- Jetpack Compose Playground
- Preview Parameters for different Compose Previews
- Flow collecting methods
- Android app architecture guide
- Android Offline-First architecture
- Caching Strategies in Android
- MVVM x MVI Comparison Article (PT-BR only)
- MVVM and MVI combiined (Example against MVC)
- MVC x MVP x MVVM (PT-BR only)
- Philipp Lackner MVVM x MVI
- Book "Clean Architecture"
- Clean Architecture guide
- Book "Clean Code"
- Guide to SOLID Principles
- SOLID Principles explanation with real life examples
- SOLID Principles in Pictures
- Android Dependency Injection
- Dependency Injection with Dagger
- Dagger Code Labs
- Dependency Injection with Hilt
- Dependency Injection with Anvil
- Dependency Injection with Koin
- Hilt and Dagger cheat sheet
- Philipp Lackner dependency injection with Hilt tutorial
- Kotlin Multiplatform main page
- Compose Multiplatform main page
- Jetbrains Compose Multiplatform tutorial
- Philipp Lackner first Compose Multiplatform app tutorial
- Philipp Lackner KMP playlist
- Setup resources
- Ktor Response validation
- Testing documentation
This section has a list of sites with exercises, possible solutions, explanations and etc.