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Roadmap 🚀

Framework Status
LLamaIndex Planned
PyTorch Planned
SKLearn Planned
Transformers Planned
Stable Diffusion Next

💡 If support of any framework/feature is useful for you, please feel free to reach out to us via Discord or Github Discussions

🔗 Installation

  1. Install from PyPI
pip install vishwa-ml-sdk

🧩 Usage Example

from vishwa.mlmonitor.langchain.instrument import LangchainTelemetry
import os
import vishwa
from vishwa.prompt_hub import PromptClient

# Enable this for advance tracking with our vishwa-ai platform
vishwa.host_url = ""
vishwa.api_key = "********************"  # Get from
vishwa.adv_tracing_enabled = "true" # Enable this for automated insights and log tracing via xpulsAI platform
# Add default labels that will be added to all captured metrics
default_labels = {"service": "ml-project-service", "k8s_cluster": "app0", "namespace": "dev", "agent_name": "fallback_value"}

# Enable the auto-telemetry
prompt_client = PromptClient(   
    prompt_id="clrfm4v70jnlb1kph240",  # Get prompt_id from the platform
    environment_name="dev"  # Deployed environment name

## [Optional] Override labels for scope of decorator [Useful if you have multiple scopes where you need to override the default label values]
@TagToProject(project_slug="defaultoPIt9USSR")  # Get Project Slug from platform
def get_response_using_agent_alpha(prompt, query):
    agent = initialize_agent(llm=chat_model,
    data = prompt_client.get_prompt({"variable-1": "I'm the first variable"})  # Substitute any variables in prompt

    res = # Pass the entire `XPPrompt` object to run or invoke method

ℹ️ Complete Usage Guides

🧾 License

This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.

📢 Contributing

We welcome contributions to xpuls-ml-sdk! If you're interested in contributing.

If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, please file an issue on our GitHub repository.

💬 Get in touch

👉 Join our Discord community!

🐦 Follow the latest from team on Twitter @vishwa_ai

📮 Write to us at [email protected]