A collection of Projects undertaken while studying Data Science.
- Indian Data Set : A few visualizations using Tableau for some data sets I found interesting to look into. (Data from data.gov.in)
- Kaggle : A script used in Kaggle competition for the Analytics Edge course at edX by MITx. The aim was to predict the voting category for the given test set using a training set.
- Panama Papers : A visualization in R of Indian addresses mentioned in the latest Panama Papers data set. The necessary data was filtered in R and the script used is also included. It is also accompanied by 2 more visualizations created with the help of BatchGeo and Google's Fusion Tables, source for which is the accompanying CSV file.
- TextNook Assignment : 2 Assignments part of an Interview. One involves scraping data from a blog. The other was to create a Reddit Clone.
Notes :
- Need to include Rmd for Kaggle detailing the thought process and explaining the code
- Try out Scrapy for scraping the data.