Welcome to the Cricket Game! This is an interactive, fun web-based game built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, inspired by the classic "Stone, Paper, Scissors" game, but with a unique cricket twist.
In this game, you get to play cricket against the computer by choosing between different moves, and the computer will randomly select its own move. The game simulates a simplified cricket match, giving you a lighthearted experience.
- Play against the computer with cricket-inspired moves.
- Simple user interface built with HTML and CSS.
- Interactive game logic powered by JavaScript.
- Fun and engaging experience.
- Open the
file in a web browser. - Choose your move (Bat, Ball and stumps).
- The computer will randomly choose its move.
- The game will evaluate the winner based on the random selections.
- For example, if you pick Bat, the computer could choose Ball and vice versa.
- View the result and continue playing for more fun!
- Bat vs Ball: The moves of Bat and Ball are chosen randomly. The outcome of the match is determined by these choices.
- Bat might win if it manages to hit the ball.
- Ball might win if it gets you out.
The rules are inspired by cricket but are simplified for fun gameplay!
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/vijaychandra1910/cricket-game.git