Regle \ʁɛɡl\ (French word for 'rule' ) is a Typescript-first model-based form validation library for Vue 3. It's heavily inspired by Vuelidate.
Simple demo | Advanced Demo |
- ✅ Typescript first
- 🤖 100% type inference
- 📖 Model based validation
- 🪗 Extensible
- 🛒 Collection validation
- 🦸♂️ Zod support
- 🤖 Valibot support
- 🪶 Light(~7kb gzip) and 0 dependencies
Special thank you for Martins Zeltins who helped me identify a lot of bugs, find new features and contributed to docs.
:class="{ error: r$.$$error }"
placeholder='Type your email'
<li v-for="error of r$.$$errors" :key='error'>
{{ error }}
<script setup lang='ts'>
import { useRegle } from '@regle/core';
import { required, minLength, email } from '@regle/rules';
const { r$ } = useRegle({ email: '' }, {
email: { required, minLength: minLength(4), email }
- Unit tests
- E2E tests
- Example repo, Reproduction repl
- Type tests
support -
support - TS docs
- Typed plugin system (like scrollToError)
pnpm install @regle/core @regle/rules
# or
yarn add @regle/core @regle/rules
# or
npm install @regle/core @regle/rules