Transfer Scheduler is a technical challenge project for Elo7 in Java.
The project is built using Maven 3, every dependency is managed by Maven.
Transfer amount is set as an integer with 10e-2 precision. When calculating fees which relies on percentages it's converted to a 10e-3 precision and the resulting fee is rounded with Math.round().
- Build the application using Maven 3 (mvn assembly:assembly)
- Run the .jar built with
java -jar target/paymentscheduler-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The following REST requests are supported:
GET /api/transfers/scheduled
- Returns: a JSON list of all scheduled transfers
GET /api/transfers/scheduled?uuid=TRANSFER_UUID
- Returns: data about a single transfer with uuid TRANSFER_UUID
POST /api/transfers/scheduled
- Receives:
- origin_account - Origin account number using format XXXXX-X
- destination_account - Destination account number using format XXXXX-X
- scheduled_date - Date formatted as ISO 8601
- transfer_amount - Amount to be transferred in integer, $0.01 = 1
- operation_type - Transfer operation type, can 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'.
- Returns:
- SUCCESS a JSON representation of the newly created scheduled transfer
- FAILURE a JSON error string and status code 400
- Receives:
- The user may schedule a financial transfer with the following information:
- Origin account (XXXXX-X format)
- Destination account (XXXXX-X format)
- Transfer amount
- Fee (to be calculated)
- Scheduled date
- Type (A, B, C, D):
- A: Type A operations have a $2 fee plus 3% of the transfer amount.
- B: Type B operations have a $10 fee when scheduled until 30 days of the creation date and $8 otherwise.
- C: Type C operations have a regressive fee based on scheduled date:
- after 30 days from creation date - 1.2% fee
- until 30 days from creation date - 2.1% fee
- until 25 days from creation date - 4.3% fee
- until 20 days from creation date - 5.4% fee
- until 15 days from creation date - 6.7% fee
- until 10 days from creation date - 7.4% fee
- until 5 days from creation date - 8.3% fee
- D: Type D operations have a fee equal to A, B or C types depending on the transfer amount:
- Transfer amount until $25,000 = type A fee
- Transfer amount between $25,001 and $120,000 = type B fee
- Transfer amount greater than $120,000 = type C fee
- The user may see every scheduled transfer inputed.