A POC for handling singleton processes and resolving network splits.
Uses :global
to resolve conflicts.
It's a POC, clone it.
To handle singletons, you have to define a module using DistTest.SingletonResolver
. This
will ensure there's only one instance of the singleton running in cluster, and also handles
resolving conflicts if they happen.
defmodule DistTest.Resolver do
use DistTest.SingletonResolver
@impl true
def resolver(name, pid1, pid2) do
# Use your own logic here
# NOTE: You have to return one of the `pid1` or `pid2` as winner
And to start it in your supervisor
chilren = [
name: DisTest.SomeName,
child_opts: [DisTest.Server, []]}
is the name to register the GenServer
under, and child_opts
is the arguments
to pass to GenServer.start_link
to start the process.
When a split happens, the singleton will exist in all of partitions. When the split
resolved, your resolve/3
callback is called to determine what process should be killed
and what is kept.