Webserver API that utilizes S7.Webserver.API. Used for standard read/write operations.
Note: This repository is a submodule of the main PLC.Commissioning.Lib project. It is intended to be used as part of the main project. But it can also be used independently
- .NET Standard 2.0
using Serilog;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using PLC.Commissioning.Lib.Siemens.Webserver.Controllers;
using Siemens.Simatic.S7.Webserver.API.Enums;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.MinimumLevel.Debug() // Set the minimum log level to Debug
// Initialize RPCController with IP address, username, and password
var controller = await RPCController.InitializeAsync("", "Everybody", "");
// Use the initialized services
await controller.ApiService.BrowseMethodsAsync();
// Attempt to read the PLC operating mode
var operatingMode = await controller.PlcController.GetOperatingModeAsync();
if (operatingMode != null)
Log.Debug($"Current PLC Operating Mode: {operatingMode}");
Log.Debug("Failed to read PLC operating mode.");
// Attempt to change the PLC operating mode
await controller.PlcController.ChangeOperatingModeAsync(ApiPlcOperatingMode.Stop);
// Read and write variables using VariableService
var readResponse = await controller.VariableService.ReadAsync<int>("\"Data\".Integer");
await controller.VariableService.WriteAsync("\"Data\".Integer", 99);
// Browse for variables
await controller.VariableService.BrowseAsync(ApiPlcProgramBrowseMode.Children, "\"Data\"");
await controller.VariableService.BrowseAsync(ApiPlcProgramBrowseMode.Var, "\"Data\".Integer");
Log.Information("Operations completed.");