This repository contains couple of SAT solvers that were developed during as a project in "Logic in Programming" course. As title already stated, not all of them are functional, so take caution when using results in real world.
NOTE: This implementation used parts of the numpy
library, so before trying to run
it, make sure numpy is installed.
Naive implementation can be found in
. For brief usage
instructions simply execute -h
. Typical invocations would
./ -i input.dimacs # Print result into stdout
./ -i input.dimcas -o result.txt # Place result in file
./ -o result.txt # Read dimcas from stdin
Exit code of the solver indicates whether input formula is satisfiable. Zero return status means success and one means not satisfiable.
Some relatively large and quite hard examples that naive implementation can
solve in cca. 20 seconds can be found in samples
- Nejc Vesel
- Tadej Borovšak