A frontend project template that uses NPM scripts for bundling. Includes browserify with babelify, node-sass, autoprefixer and uglify-js for bundling and flexboxgrid, normalize.css and jQuery imported.
First, clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/vbifonixor/npm-frontend-boilerplate.git MyProject
Open project folder and remove .git folder
cd MyProject rm -rf .git
Install dependencies
npm install # Also builds files in the first place
Run a development server
npm run watch # Launches browser-sync and bundles every piece of project on file changes
npm run build:all # Builds scss, js and images
npm run build:css # Builds css
npm run build:js # Builds js
npm run watch:css # Watches CSS, no browser-sync
npm run watch:js # Same for JS
npm run watch:all # Watches both CSS and JS
Some other useful commands can be found in package.json