Import cdr asterisk datas from mysql backend to mongo
***** Installation Install mongodb and redis packages in the target system.
Note : mongodb v 2.6.1 is used. Installation of packages is processing by avor_installation script.
You can check this script for more information
apt-get mongodb redis-server
apt-get git mercurial bzr
Execute make depends to install dependances of the project.
***** Configuration proxy Please pay a little attention for git proxy configuration. This is an example of the
export http_proxy=http://user:pass@proxyhost:proxyport
git config --global http.proxy http://user:pass@proxyhost:proxyport
***** Requered packages Install debian packages
apt-get install bzr
apt-get install git mercurial
Install go packages
Mongodb driver :
go get
MySql driver :
go get
go get
go get
Seelog :
go get
Redis :
cd $GOPATH/src
git clone git:// redis
cd redis
go install
****** Application startup
Application can be started with command line options
--config , the json configuration file
--tick , the value on seconds for schedule the import task
****** Application tips
Application can be stopped by a proper way , send kill [pid]. You can find the pid by ps aux|grep vorimport