my dotfiles using Hyper terminal, oh-my-zsh and vimplug
previous dotfiles are no more mantained !
- install zsh as the default shell
- install Hyper
- use the default terminal for installation, not Hyper itself!
- delete (making backups if you need some special settings to reapply) of any existing ~/.zplug, ~/.vim, ~/.oh-my-zsh, ~/.hyper.js, ~/.vimrc, ~/.zshrc first, and restart the terminal
# clone this repo somewhere
mkdir -p /Users/valerino/repos
cd /Users/valerino/repos
git clone
- install oh-my-zsh
- install dracula theme for zsh
- restart the terminal so it uses oh-my-zsh
# install zsh autocompletion plugin into oh-my-zsh
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
# install zsh syntax-highlighting plugin into oh-my-zsh
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# symlink my .vimrc
ln -s /Users/valerino/repos/dotfiles-hyper/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
# delete the default .zshrc provided on installation of oh-my-zsh first
rm ~/.zshrc
# symlink my .zshrc (NOTE: *only* if you haven't installed the above zsh plugins, you may edit it first to remove them from oh-my-zsh plugins section)
ln -s /Users/valerino/repos/dotfiles-hyper/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
# symlink my .hyper.js
ln -s /Users/valerino/repos/dotfiles-hyper/.hyper.js ~/.hyper.js
- restart Hyper, this will install Hyper plugins.
- vim plugins will be installed once starting vim.
- profit! :)