A python based driver for SwiftNav's Piksi RTK GPS modules.
- Publishes:
- NavSatFix (separate ones for RTK fix and SPP fix)
- Odometry (with positioning from RTK data)
- TimeReference
- as well as custom Observations and Ephemeris msgs.
- Can send/receive observations from another Piksi through UDP or Serial (for setups that don't use the external radios)
- Supports setting any of the settings on the piksi at startup (saving to flash is optional)
- Can publish TF transforms from UTM->base_station and/or base_station->rover
- Supplies diagnostic info.
- Keeps track of fix mode through watchdog timers.
- Dynamic reconfigure support.
- ~fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix). Best fix available.
- ~spp_fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix). Single point precision fix.
- ~rtk_fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix). RTK fix (when available).
- ~odom (nav_msgs/Odometry). RTK based odometry.
- ~time (sensor_msgs/TimeReference). GPS clock (does not match UTC as it does not account for leap seconds)
- ~observations (piksi_ros/Observations). Satellite observations. Enable through publish_observations parameter.
- ~ephemeris (piksi_ros/Ephemeris). Satellite observations. Enable through publish_ephemeris parameter.
Parameters with * can be changed through dynamic reconfigure.
- port - The serial port device of the Piksi unit. Default: /dev/ttyUSB0.
- baud_rate - Baud rate for the serial port. Default: 1000000.
You can have the driver set settings on the piksi at startup. Settings are not committed to device flash unless piksi_save_settings is set appropriately.
- piksi/SECTION/SETTING - Possible SECTION and SETTING values can be found in Piksi documentation or in the piksi console (subset can be found in piksi_settings.yaml). *
- piksi_save_settings - Commits piksi settings to device flash if set true. Default: false.
The piksi settings as they were on driver startup can be accessed through the parameter server under ~piksi_original_settings/.
- frame_id - Frame id for GPS messages. Default: piksi
- rtk_frame_id - Frame id for the base. Default: rtk_gps
- utm_frame_id - Frame id for an UTM coordinate frame. Default: utm
- child_frame_id - Frame id for the rover (typically base_link or base_link_stabilized). Default: base_link
- publish_utm_rtk_tf - Publish utm_frame_id->rtk_frame_id transform. Default: False
- publish_rtk_child_tf - Publish rtk_frame_id->child_frame_id transform. Default: False
- publish_observations - Publish observations (list of tracked satellites and related measurements). Default: False
- publish_ephemeris - Publish ephemeris information. Default: False
- rtk_fix_timeout - Time to wait from last RTK message received until switching to SPP positions for best fix. Default: 0.2 *
- spp_fix_timeout - Time to wait from last SPP message receveid until declaring no-fix. Default: 1.0 *
- rtk_h_accuracy - RTK horizontal sddev. Default: 0.04 *
- rtk_v_accuracy - RTK vertical sddev. Default: 0.12 *
- diag/heartbeat_freq - Expected frequency for heartbeats. Default: 1.0
- diag/update_freq - Expected update frequency. Default: 10.0
- diag/freq_tolerance - Frequency tolerance. Default: 0.1
- diag/window_size - Diagnostics window size. Default: 10
- diag/min_delay - Min timestamp delay for topics. Default: 0.0
- diag/max_delay - Max timestamp delay for topics. Default: 0.2
obs/udp/send - Whether to send observations received from Piksi through UDP. Default: False
obs/udp/receive - Whether to receive observations through UDP and forward to Piksi. Default: False
obs/udp/host - UDP host/ip. Leave blank for receiver for easier configuration. Default: ''
obs/udp/port - UDP port to use. Default: 50785
obs/serial/send - Whether to send observations received from Piksi through a serial port. Default: False
obs/serial/receive - Whether to receive observations through a serial port and forward to Piksi. Default: False
obs/udp/port - Serial port. Default: ''
obs/udp/baud_rate - Serial port baud rate. Default: 115200
- sbp_log_file - Specify a log file to log all incoming SBP packets from Piksi to. Default: ''
- debug - Enable extra debug messages. Default: False
The following transforms are published if configured to do so:
- utm_frame_id -> rtk_frame_id
- rtk_frame_id -> child_frame_id
- Covariance info is either set by parameters or set by a hack. It does not reflect an instantanious estimate of the covariance.
- No error-checking when setting parameters.
- Add/improve covariance estimate for published data.
- Rewrite in C++