Create stadium like shape calendar png image. Or circle. Cross out past days, highlight current day or custom days. Style customizable amlost everything.
Simplest bootstrap (calendar_example.php) file:
use Urgor\Calendarr\Reg;
use Urgor\Calendarr\Config\Cfg;
include '../vendor/autoload.php';
$calendarr = new Urgor\Calendarr\Calendar();
Or look into Reg and create your own custom bootstrap interface.
Everyone has their own representation (idea) of how to visualise the year. So this is my representation of calendar.
Depends on GD and FreeType libs. Checkout, put somwhere into www dir and request http://....calendar_example.php . It will generates png image with common headers (by default).
Example config file calendar.ini contain some styles for calendar. Read comment and create your own style.
Possible style keywords with their values are:
- color = ff0000 ; css hex color representation (in rgb or rgba format)
- font = UbuntuMono-B.ttf ; just font file name
- size = 12 ; font size in px
- hatch_color = 000000cc ; color
- hatch_thick = 3 ; crosses out the text, in px
- hatch_type = double_rough ; crosses out past days { strict | double_strict | rough | double_rough }
- frame_color = 00cc00
- frame_thick = 2
- background_color = ff0000
- background_growth = 2 ; enlarge background frame on this px amount
Also, you can find web configurator at my site.
Any feedback and pullrequests are appreciated.
Use Calendarr at your own risk.