A SwiftUI + Combine + Async/Await iOS demo application for consuming and presenting gaming information. Features created using MVVM + Coordinator pattern for creating and managing user journeys.
✅ MVVM + Coordinator
✅ State Management
✅ Async-Await
✅ Combine
✅ Providers
✅ Swift Packages (Core, Features, Foundation, APINetwork, UI, Components, Storage)
✅ Network Host Configurations
✅ Header Scroll View: Parralax, Stretchy, Sticky Offset
✅ Trackable Carousel
✅ Pagination
✅ Search
✅ Pinch to zoom, Image dragging to geometry matching view transition
✅ Advanced view transitions + animations
✅ Modular SwiftUI Preview Configurations
⬜ Branding + Default Styles